Saturday 22 May 2021

A Baking Lesson Learnt!

Baking night again on Wednesday.

I tend to leave the children to it, popping in &out doing other jobs, there to help them if they need it but to encourage them to be as independent as possible with their baking and they always try to get a few bakes on the go at once!

They all learnt important lessons that night though - always read the instructions!

Turns out a (heaped) tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda is a lot more than teaspoon! The lovely looking cookie bake nearly made us all puke as we spat it out, running to the bin! I think this bake will go down in family history! Good job we had meringues to take the taste away!

What's the worst baking mistake you've made?


  1. I love that your kids are so interested in baking. Yes, the mistakes go down in family history, but they are such good lessons too. Besides often forgetting the salt in bread, my worst mistake has to do with grabbing the wrong jar. I keep jars of whey (from cheesemaking) in the fridge to use for baking, and also a jar of brine (also for cheesemaking, for salting mozzarella). Even though the brine jar is labeled, both jars look the same. One time my baking was terribly salty, and after puzzling over it, I finally realized I'd grabbed the brine instead of the whey! At least the chickens thought it was edible.

    1. They're interested in food I think! So anything that helps fill their bellies!
      No salt in bread is a "favourite" of mine! Salty baking is never good though!

  2. I was just thinking how GOOD that chocolate chip treat looked! It's wonderful that your kids feel confident enough on their own to bake with just the weest bit of supervision. It will serve them well in all aspects of their lives.

    1. I hope so. As I type this comment my eldest is making some muffins so she has a pudding to take to school tomorrow - no chance of popping to the shop here!

  3. I expect we've all had one of those ... here it was salt instead of sugar. The salt here is for some reason very large grained (sugar sized) and even though it's clearly labelled SALT Mr Bs daughter still managed to shovel it into her tea.

    1. Makes me wince to think of it! I've certainly made a fair few mistakes over the years - as they say someone who's never made mistakes has never done anything!

  4. A milk pudding that just wouldn't set! Nice milkshake though. Turned out it was the recipe that was wrong that time! Most of my mistakes tended to be burned or under cooked and one occasion when I turned on the grill instead of the oven!

    1. I hate when something doesn't set or takes too long. I remember trying to get the canner up to pressure one night and didn't get to bed until 2 in the morning!

  5. I once fried morel mushrooms in powered sugar instead of flour - ugh!

  6. Not a baking mistake but a cooking one. I was feeling lazy and found what I thought was a Black Bean Cook in Sauce in the larder from Approved Food. Emptied the whole lot into the wok with the cooked chicken and veg. It looked a bit odd so read the directions on the back - "add a tablespoon of the paste to the cooked meat and veg with 200 mls water". No going back from that one.

    1. Wow, bet that was an intense flavour. I remember growing some tiny chillies one year (before children) and adding just one to a meal. we both took a mouthful, put down our forks and decided to go for chips that night!


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