Thursday 19 August 2021

Team Freezer Prep

 The other night, while I was making tea I picked half a bucketful of French beans. With a quick shout to the living room two helpers appeared to help me prep them (the eldest went off to pick tomatoes). 


In fact I didn't do any of the French beans, instead leaving the youngest two to top and tail them, then weigh them out into freezer bags for use later in the year. 

As well as leaving us enough out to steam to have with one of our beautifully roasted Indian Game hens and rice. 

They love helping put food down for winter - good job as well otherwise it can get a bit overwhelming! 

Anyone else make use of their helpers when it comes to food prep?


  1. i wish! no one ever helps me. it is so great that they help at this age not to mention the knife skills they are learning at such a young age. good for you kev!

    1. They're keen to help at this age. They were watching TV but turned it off quickly and came in to help!

  2. What wonderful life skills they are learning - and yes, great knife skills!

    1. Yeah it's a good skill to have, and just teaching them that knifes are a good tool but setting some strict rules in place early on.

    2. I would love some help with my beans, again I have grown too many. Do you blanch your runner and french beans before freezing?


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