Monday 28 February 2022

More Garden Progress - Half Hour a Day

I feel like I might almost be ready for spring if I carry on like this. 

These are the completed beds. I've dug them over to remove every bindweed and couch grass root I could find. crumbled every sod of earth in my hands to check. I've no doubt I've missed loads but I'm hopeful it might give me a head start. 

 I'm going to continue down the garden but also need to think about getting the rotted manure up here to feed some of these beds before the busy planting time starts. 

I also need to move the small greenhouse and concrete in a small base for it as the one it's currently sat on has rotted away. A job I'd like to do before the season gets too far in! Trouble is I think I'll have to take out all the glass before I start to make the new base. I plan to move it 6ft to the left looking at it from this picture, I might then build a post structure with a perspex roof in between the two greenhouses as a kind of "base of operations" where I can tidily keep all my gardening supplies, pots and other items. 

Who else feels almost ready for spring?


  1. Looks great! Very satisfying feeling, having clean new beds, ready for seeds. Like a blank canvas!

    1. Feels good. I'm about half way down. Just hope I have got most of the roots!

  2. Wow. So different to a few weeks ago - a few more half hours and you'll be sorted. Just need some dryer and warmer weather here before any sowing can be done. The weather man said Feb has been warmer than usual but it's not done much to dry out my 3 veg beds

    1. I have a way to go yet - Just under half way down, there are more beds to the side but I might sheet them over this year. There's been some really wet days here as well. This morning I was lucky and went out first thing, rained the rest of the day then!

  3. Wow! You've been busy! It looks great and I'm sure you'll have it ready in plenty of time to start planting.
    We've had a mix of unseasonably warm and frigidly cold temperatures fluctuating this winter here in North Carolina. I have my white potatoes coming up, as well as some lettuce. I've also been germinating seeds indoors in wet paper towels, getting ready to put them outside. It's been a wild and woolly winter!
    Continued blessings...

    1. It's been a mild winter here, I've not burnt anywhere near the firewood I did last year. I love it when the seeds are germinating. feels like spring is almost here!

  4. I really like the path 'stones'. Share what they are and what they're made of. I'd like to do something like that in my area.

    1. They're made from cast concrete. They're sold for patios and paths, although normally laid on hardcore and bedded in mortar rather than laid on bare earth like mine. They're sold here in builders merchants and DIY shops. I got given a huge job lot of them for removing them from someones garden and have collected more since then. It works well but does give probably too many places for mice and voles to hide as well as slugs. But in it provides a clear path to walk on.


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