Friday 9 September 2022

Moving Firewood

 It's that time of year - the air has the Autumnal feel and it makes me think of the fact we'll be lighting the fire soon. 

We have plenty of seasoned firewood but there was a few loads down the field that needed bringing up closer to the house. 

A good job for the kids.

I got them to load the dumper (I drove it and did other jobs in between), then I'd tip it up by the house and they could put it under cover. 

There was a bit of moaning from them but they soon got the job done. I need to fill the stillage up with wood to season now down by the chickens. 

One bit I enjoyed was laying out a pile of wood to show them (roughly) one nights heat. Especially as most of this is poplar and will burn pretty quick. 

It was funny when they called me for the one load of wood I heard them whispering to each other "Look cool and Dad will probably take a picture!"

Be rude not to I suppose! 

Anyone else been making last minute preparations with their firewood with winter not far away? 


  1. Replies
    1. They really are! Last year they're all at the same school together for some time now as well.

  2. I love that corrugated iron shed with the rusty patina. At least living in the countryside we can still burn wood.

    1. I'd love to take that shed down! But it does keep the firewood dry.

  3. Great pics! Teach 'em young! Sunday we plan on splitting the last wood to complete a 2 year supply, with the help of our 'littley' in his 40's. Enjoy them...they grow up so fast! (Had to look up "stillage"...the English language has a marvelous word for just about everything!!)

    1. Well done on completing a two year supply. I think if it's mild this winter we should have enough for two winters, but it depends if we have both fires running or not. I need to get the chimney swept in the sitting room as I think we'll be lighting the fire next week, the house isn't cold, but it holds a bit of damp this time of year otherwise.

  4. Endless job of my youth - cutting and stacking firewood. What is that old saying about it heating twice? There is a certain pleasure in a well stacked woodshed however.

    1. Same - we were always bringing firewood down to the house! Normally with the tractor bucket then handballing it inside the woodshed (a big barn attached the house). We had a log splitter for the tractor though, not that it made it a very fun job.
      I must also confess that I've never stacked firewood, it all gets chucked in! shameful I know!


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