Monday 3 June 2013

Need To Make A BBQ

In the last two days we've had two BBQ's. Life's good.
 My wife was quite pleased tonight when she pulled up after being at work all day and the BBQ was fired up and ready.
Cooking on a jaunty angle.
The trouble is i think it might have been our BBQ's last firing. It's somewhat unstable. In fact I think if I had put an extra burger on there I might have been cooking them on the floor. I picked only flat bottomed items to cook to prevent them constantly rolling to one side.
So I thought you are all a resourceful (tight) lot - whats the best way for me to make a good and usable BBQ that won't cost too much but will last longer than some rubbish brought in B & Q (and shipped from china)? I've made them in the past from everything from a 45 gallon oil drum (like cooking on a jet engine) to a wheel hub raised on a few bricks (not great for the back).
Ideas Please!


  1. I am partial to hibachis, small simple and they take only about 12 minutes to get ready to cook on. They also use a lot less charcoal than a regular BBQ grill. And grilling for 2 it really is more than plenty. Here is the one I built last year.

    I have a 6 inch diameter 8 inch length of stove pipe I set on the grate of the thing, I fill with charcoal and stick my propane torch under it for about 5 minutes. An other 5 minutes without the torch and you pull the pipe and place you grill on it and in about 2 minutes you are ready to cook.

  2. Ever think of putting some cross braces on the legs?

  3. I built one into a low wall round a patio, used rustic clay bricks, 3 bricks wide x 2 bricks deep, whatever cooking height suits you, with a couple of stainless bars built in to take a brick-on-edge hearth at whatever height you want, a brick set in loose each side to take a piece of stainless 12mm mesh for cooking on. Build up sides and back for 2 or 3 courses to keep shelter from worst of wind. A small door underneath to make a weatherproof cupboard for dry sticks and charcoal.
    The fire made on the hearth with paper, sticks and charcoal, and food cooked on the stainless mesh.
    No control for the air inlet like some of the metal kettle types, but it worked OK, weather-proof, easy to brush clean and ever-lasting, maintenance-free, can't be knocked over either. Slight down-side, it's not moveable.
    We used a domed wok lid as a cover to keep in the smoke in if necessary.
    Built it at a previous address about 20 years ago, as far as I know it's still being used and looking well.
    It's a bit of work, but materials probably less than a ready-made one.

  4. A friend of mine is pretty handy welding and converts old gas bottles into BBQ's, patio heater and smokers - just google it to see some designs. They are really robust and you are recycling something that most council tips wont take anymore (by us anyway).

    All he does is drain off the gas using his BBQ, then unscrew the top valve assembly - fill with soapy water for a couple of weeks and then gets to cutting and welding.


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