Monday 27 January 2014

Fruit Tea

Or as it affectionately gets called by my workmates "Gay Tea".
I'm not your usual builder -I don't drink tea or coffee.
In fact I've never drunk a full mug of either.
Most of the year I just drink water.
But when it's cold and your working outside you need something to warm you up.
I settle for a fruit tea. I get a lot of stick about my choice of drink (not helped by the fact it says "Fresh and Fruity" on the front of the box) but I really enjoy them and I don't think I would have survived working on a roof the last couple of weeks without them!
But I'm always on the look out to cut costs or try something else, so I wanted to ask if anyone makes their own from scratch and does it cut it when compared to the ones you can buy? If it does give me the recipe or link and I'll try it!


  1. I don't drink any kind of tea, it's either black coffee or hot lemon, simply a slice of lemon in a mug of hot water, with sometime a swirl of honey if I'm wanting something sweet.

    1. The lemon and water is nice but I'm not a fan of honey so couldn't drink it with that in.

  2. When the mint is growing, I put a (well washed to avoid any extra "protein" in the form of baby aphids...) sprig of mint in a mug and pour on boiling water. I can't stand the taste of the mint tea bags but love this. I also like a slice of lemon in a mug of water, as Sue does. Half a teaspoon of bottled lemon juice does in a pinch.

    1. I do that with more mint sometimes but it doesn't taste strong enough for me, good for digestion though. Maybe I'm not putting enough in.

  3. I'm afraid that I cannot function till the first mug of tea has hit the spot....although I do drink lemon & ginger tea in work accompanied with the usual derision.

    1. My wife is the same but as I've never drank a caffeine drink ive never missed it. Ginger drinks are good on a really cold day.

  4. You just need your own thermos type cup that keeps your drink warm without advertising what is in it. In the summer it will keep your water cool.

    1. I don't really mind what they call it so long as I get a drink when everyone else gets made one by the customer! In the summer I tend to freeze a bottle of water and drink it as it melts

  5. I only drink coffee or mix lemon juice/maple syrup and hot water .I don't drink tea/tisanes ever.
    Jane x

    1. I had to look up the word tisanes! I like coffee cake but that's as far as it goes.

  6. I can't handle caffeine so I always drink herbal tea. I make it from herbs I grow and dry myself- mint, lemon grass, calendula petals, borage, thyme, oregano, tarragon etc. Very cheap! And lots of good phytochemicals. Check put more on my blog- search for tea.

    1. I'll be on there tonight to have a look thanks!

  7. Wow, how do you get by without tea or coffee, I bet you are nice and clean inside though, have you seen the residue left inside tea and coffee cups, yuk, but I still drink

    1. I guess I've never had it so I never miss it! It does stop your teeth getting stained!

  8. When the elderberries are ready this year, gather and make elderberry cordial. I made some infused with cinnamon,cardamon and star anise (just 3 Star anise) and it's delish diluted with hot water and of course, good for colds and flu remedy.

    1. I was going to try with the flowers later this year. I've made wine with the berries before and that was good. I'll give it a go, nice little messy project to do with the girls!


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