Wednesday 1 January 2014

Happy New Year

Happy New Year from our little homestead!

I'm really looking forward to seeing what the next 12 months brings us.
There's going to be some interesting times ahead - with me taking on the full time childcare, becoming more self sufficient/reliant, trying to grow as much food as we can, getting more livestock for the homestead, starting to build an extension for the house (doing as much as I can myself) and try to make a small amount of money from the land.
I hope you all keep reading and commenting in 2014!


  1. Oh yes, I will be reading Don Kev! I wish you and your growing family all the best for 2014.

    We are an hour ahead of you but I stayed up to watch the fireworks in London on Sky News, very good!

    My New Year Resolution was to stop smoking. I have lasted one hour and twenty three minutes so far!

    1. Cheers Hippo,
      I'll keep reading yours. A favourite of mine is to sit down on a morning with my breakfast and read your blog (normally each post takes a few breakfast).

  2. From our house to yours..from our family to yours..
    Happy New Year!
    Jane x

  3. HAPPY NEW YEAR, may it bring you much happiness, joy and fun times!

  4. Wishing you a Happy and Healthy 2014 from here in New Zealand. I look forward to reading about your year ahead.

  5. Looking forward to keeping you company as you continue on your journey. From us to you and yours, all best wishes for a successful year ahead. Vx

    1. Thanks Vera and thanks for all your advice over the last year!

  6. Happy New Year. I look forward to following your homesteading adventures in 2014.

  7. Sure you'll manage very well, looking forwaed to reading about it.


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