Friday 13 June 2014

Flowers On The Homestead

Before we moved to our property it had been rented out for thirty years, so perennial plants were lacking. There's plenty of trees but not many flowers. Some daffodils, two clumps of day lilies and a couple of hydrangeas was the sum total. 
 I haven't added loads yet as I've been concentrating on edible plants, but I have added lots of snowdrops and other bulbs and each year I plant lots of annual flowers in the veg garden for the bees and salads.
One perennial plant I did add was a rose bush that was growing at our old place. it was a present from my mum and it used to grow so fast and flower right through to the first frost. but when I moved here I had nowhere to plant it, so I shoved it in the chicken pen and forgot about it. 
The neglect I've shown it doesn't seem to have affected it much as it's got loads of huge beautiful flowers blooming at the moment, I'm not sure the chickens appreciate it though!
I plan to add some clematises this year to go on rest of the old tin sheds we've got here. But I think more flowering plants will have to wait a little bit while other things get established, as there is only so many things I can keep on top of.
Any other flowers that readers have that are thriving on their neglect?


  1. Those remind me of some old-fashioned rose that grew at my childhood home. Sadly, they were allowed to die out, so I have no idea what variety they were.

    1. I imagine lots of various varieties have died out over the years but many more will be created.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Do roses thrive on chicken poo? it looks like they do. I know they like manure. I love pics of chooks x

    1. I think they enjoy a lot of feeding so it can't hurt. Theyve done well where they are.

  3. I let the wild roses, Foxgloves and Aquileqias, Alchemilla Mollis (Ladies Mantle, Valerian and Primulas self seed and grow along the walls and grass paths and concrete paving.

    Love the roses photographs. I have grown wild roses from cuttings planted in the veg plot. Would like to get into herbal plants and hope to divide a lot of my perennials later in the year.

    My hands have been like your arms in your previous post. Guess who left the watering can submerged in the nettle tea bath and didn't wear gloves to give the veg a tonic? I always keep a packet of Piriton in the cupboard in the utility room for bee stings and allergic reactions. The veg plants loved the nettle tea.

    1. I take anti histamines for my hay fever anyway so maybe thats one reason I don't feel it so much! I like the idea of taking some cuttings from wild roses. Might nice in thr new hedge we planted.

  4. I don't tend to grow many flowers but the ones I do are very much neglected. They have to be tough ones to survive my lack of attention! I like to grow edible food in preference to flowers, even though some flowers are quite edible...

    I am back to see what you have been up to on your little homestead, a lot of catching up to do. I have been a slack blogger this year, but hopefully I can get back into it on a regular basis :)

    Wishing you a lovely weekend :)


    1. I also tend to grow edible plants thats why I like it when I find edibleflowers. Beautiful plants that you can eat cant be bad.
      Thanks for stopping by.


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