Wednesday 29 October 2014

We Need Some Cold!

My brassicas are looking so good in the garden, I'm really proud of them this year. 
But I looked a little closer and I could see that my hungry gap crop, purple sprouting broccoli, was doing a little too well! 
It had started to produce the flower buds that we eat about 5 months early! I'm gutted really, although we'll still enjoy eating it, as it's a crop that is perfect for when there is little else about. 
I put it in no early than any other year, but it's been such a good year for growing that it seems to have run away with itself! I could do with a good cold snap now to slow everything else down.
Anyone else had crops when they shouldn't this year?


  1. If you cut the heads it should produce more later, I have a wigela shrub in the garden that is coming into bloom, far to early its suppose to be a late spring bloomer I still have roses in bloom, I havent got many crops growing yet. It is so mild out although damp up here at the moment

    1. I'll do that then Dawn! I was a bit gutted to see it though!

  2. Hi Kev, going off piste slightly but a week or so ago you had a post about your squash harvest, I meant to ask at the time where you get your squash seed from and what varities you grow. I can only find the more bog standard at places like suttons, though I do like crown prince which they sell. I am looking to grow as many tasty types as I can and am wondering what people enjoy, thanks in advance. Sarah

  3. Sarah, try Sarah Raven for some unusual ones.
    Kevin, the cold snap is on it's way!

    1. thanks Sandie's Patch, will look into..

    2. Kings seeds also have lots and if you have an allotment you get a discount. I also brought some off eBay this year. I don't tend to save the seeds as it cross pollinates too easily so you never know what you're going to get.
      honey bear is a good small one (an F1 so expensive seed) and festival tastes amazing, crown prince takes some beating. Turks turban was another good one. I tend to grow so many types but I never label them as the plants spread so far and wide! So when it comes to planting the next year I can never remember which was best. I must be more organised!
      Thanks for your comment

  4. Forgot to say that I had a flowering Bramley Aplle tree a couple of months ago. This is a tree that was almost dead and recovered with a Comfrey and Seaweed feed, home made. It flowered again about a month later. I removed the flowers each time, just hope I get blossom in the Spring!

    1. That's mad! I hope it does flower in the spring for you but if its used the flower buds I wouldn't get too hopeful.

  5. No crops, but the acorns came off my oaks about a month early. Local lore holds that this means a bad winter.

    1. We had such a mild winter last year the bugs and slugs have gone mad this year. We could do with a bit of cold to kill them off really.

  6. Our purple sprouting is sprouting too and there are strawberries on the strawberries! Bees are still collecting pollen. What a year it has been. Are you ready for winter? Could be a cold one.

    1. We're not 100% ready but I don;t think you ever can be. Put the winter tyres on the van yesterday so I must mean business!

  7. I have Primroses in full flower and a shrub that normally flowers in March has just burst forth. We need a sharp frost soon, otherwise my Garlic will get too big and suffer for it later.


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