Friday 2 January 2015

Days Shooting

I got invited on a days shooting again this (last year but i wrote this before) year, I went a couple of years ago and really enjoyed it and this day was no different, I loved every minute. The weather was perfect, a cool, crisp, frosty morning with clear skies and sunshine all day.
As the shoot is so local it was great to be waking around the countryside with the same hills as our backdrop, crossing brooks, walking through woods and out on fields in the crisp air was all you needed really. Watching the dogs work with the beaters, flushing the birds for different drives and picking up any birds at the end with the added excitement that comes when the birds fly overhead makes the day amazing. A true countryside experience. 
I just love this picture I took at the end of day, perfect winter countryside.
There was lots of like minded people there as well and as I've been in the village a few years now I knew a few more than last time as well which is nice. It was good talking about all things countryside all day!
I even managed to come home with a brace of ducks and a brace of pheasants so I'm now tempted to make a game pie some time next week (using Gills recipe) although I've put the meat in the freezer until then. 
Thanks to Tim who invited me again - really appreciated! 


  1. how wonderful to have the opportunity to go on a shoot, I look forward to seeing your game pie. :-)

    1. It's not something I do very often but it is really enjoyable.

  2. It is good to be with like minded people, Kev, and I am sure that you felt very anchored in your community as a result of the day's shoot.

    1. It's nice now as we're starting to know more and more people. Having the kids here and going to playgroups really helps.

  3. Sounds like a great day Kev. As Vera says it is always good to be with like-minded people.
    happy New year to you and your lovely family

  4. Replies
    1. Cheers gorges, I'm sure you would have enjoyed it.

  5. wow I wish I was asked on a shoot. We are looking at planning going to Scotland in the right seasons. I made Gills pie it was lovely. My pastry skills are awful. I would buy it if I made it again

    1. It was nice to be asked. Some shoots in Scotland are ridiculously expensive. What would you be going for? Grouse?

  6. everyone and his Mum is packing! lol name the film

  7. I gave up my shotgun certificate about 8 years ago after holding it for 40 years, and disposed of my guns.

    Because my new wife is totally anti-blood sports and wouldn't appreciate anything I managed to kill, she's city born and bred so doesn't really understand the rural attitudes.

    I miss the walks out sometimes, especially on a bright morning when I hear the 12-bores in the distance.

    1. My wife is an ex townie! (She'll laugh at that) she really understands the countryside though and appreciates the game I sometimes get, fresh, free ranged and tasty. I have to prepare it though but I don't blame her on that one, never a nice job.

    2. Btw I can understand why people don't like it though. Sometimes I wonder if yhere opinions would change if they experienced it, but most I think probably not!

  8. What a wonderful days shooting. I would like to go shooting if I have a opportunity some day.

    1. If you ever get the opportunity I'd really recommend it. Eilven if you don't get a shot its still a great day.

  9. How did they beat up the ducks or were the ducks strictly a lucky wing shooting opportunity?

    1. The pools they're on isn't huge. The beaters and dogs just flush them up and trees surrounding it push the birds up high.

  10. Replies
    1. That's a shame but I'm not going to stop posting what I do incase people don't like it. This is a small responsible shoot where the birds are bred for it and cared for all year. The countryside around the shoot is also managed much better because of it. The cover crops planted provide lots of habitat for other wildlife as well. It also puts money into the rural economy.
      I know there's no changing some people's minds but if you maybe came along as beater for a day your see its not as blood thirsty as people assume.

  11. My two brothers are big time bird hunters. They like dove and quail. I have an over and under 20 gauge Browning Citori but I've never shot it. I think an Uncle gave it to me. Sounds like you had a good time. As for people who don't like it that you hunt, you know what they say about people who can't take a joke. Do you have that saying over there?

    1. I've hunted animals since my early teen years and I can't even blame anyone in my family for getting me into it as none of them shoot. I hunt and trap for pest control and for food but I also enjoy it, I don't do it as much as I'd like to but when I do its pretty special. I know some people don't like it and there are many antis in the UK and I never set out to offend anyone but this blog is a diary of what I get up to so I don't think it would be honest to leave it out. I also like the comparison between shooting here and around the world and it's interesting hearing what others get up to.
      As for your brothers, I kept quail once and they were so awkward that I wanted to shoot them! The eggs are beautiful though and they're sweet birds when your not trying to get them in for the night!

  12. Don't trap any ferrets or weasels or foxes or badgers though because I like them. :0

    Yeah, I can see why you would want to be above board in your journal but maybe we better not say anything about that case of Georgia peanuts I sent you with the disassembled AK 47 hidden inside. ;-)

  13. I'm now probably being investigated!
    I make no promises about foxes though! They've made enemies of me too many times! The shotgun would come out the second I saw one.


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