Friday 11 September 2015

I Keep Trying To Organise

One thing I'm always short of is time, and nothing frustrates me more than wasting time looking for things. 
I keep my van fairly organised and I know where everything is when I'm working - a place for everything and everything in it's place. But at home things are a different matter at the moment. 
My workshop was getting full with timber left over from jobs, stuff too good to chuck away or cut up for firewood but then not needed at that moment. My workshop isn't huge so I'd end up tripping over stuff or having to work in one little area because of it and as I take on more and more workshop work it's becoming an issue.
My storage shed next door to the workshop was no better. It had building materials for the extension, feed for the chickens and lots of odds and sods. I decided the other night to clean it out. 
It took me a few hours and a good few bags of rubbish but I got there in the end. Then I got my brother to come over with some shelves (dad had brought a job lot) which I could then use as a timber store. 
The shelves are heavy duty (near the maximum of what we could lift) but they are perfect for storing timber on. I removed lots of the slats so the timber could breathe, one is 9ft long and one 8ft, perfect for the oak and joinery pine I've got for different jobs customers want.  I'm going to add some 4" pipe to store mouldings in and a section down the side for ply wood. 
The workshop also feels like a different place with lots of space to assemble things and move stuff about. 
What about you? Do you keep organised to make the most of your time or do you wish you were better at it?


  1. That is lovely to see Kev I like to keep my stuff organised and hate wasting time looking for something, it will rub off into other areas too you know, before long your garden tools and greenhouse will have the same treatment :-)

  2. Getting organised is something which I have been trying to do over the last seven years....not easy when one is under constant renovation! Not to worry, the joyfulness which comes when things do get organised is quite delicious!

  3. Nature abhors a vacuum. If there is space, something will find a way to fill it, thus you have clutter.

  4. My shop and storage areas get so cluttered as I work on the various projects I just have to stop and spend a day re-organizing too. About the time I start tripping over things or can't find a tool I need is when I finally have to admit defeat and do it.

  5. My little garden shed is organised, I love to know where every thing is, and in such a small place it would get messy quickly and then I would not be able to get to the back, when we come back off our holiday, I will tidy all my garden props and obelisk back into the shed for the winter.

  6. You never have enough storage on a smallholding Kev. Be it sheds, barns, poly-tunnels or shipping containers.

  7. it is an ongoing battle - i always think "this time" is the final time, turn around and BAM - all out of sorts again - i DO like things organized, but i need more space..

    TOTALLY envious of those shelves!


  8. Its a on going effort here. We try to keep thing organized but its a never finished project it seems. But better to stay at it so the place doesn't just become a total mess!

  9. The shelves look good for timber storage
    How big is your workshop would be good to see some pics


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