Thursday 3 September 2015

Summer Of Work Finished

 Today my wife goes back to work so I'm back looking after these two little terrors! 
The summer has been stupidly busy with plenty of (paying) work and still lots for me to catch up on even now.  I've did my usual and took on far too much and things here have suffered a bit. The garden isn't looking as good as it should be, but I have kept on top of looking after the animals and other projects like the porch have just stood still. 
My weekends are booked for quite a while yet with more work, it's a viscous circle really as I need to work for the money to do the projects but because I'm working I can't do the projects themselves! I'm sure I'll catch up at some point.
Who else is struggling for time to do things?


  1. feel like your on a treadmill, I used to but not now all that hlds me up is having Martin here to help, it will get easier Kev you are doing a great job :-)

    1. Not sure I want it any easier - I love the constant pace f it really!

  2. Real life always gets in the way, and we all need to earn.

    1. We do, balance is key. and going to bed late, that helps.

  3. You will soon catch up Kev. I made my veg plot smaller last year. We have less produce but it's far easier to look after. I read that your average plot needs at least 4 hours labour a week.

    1. Yeah, I think I'll cut backt he garden a little next year, and concentrate harder on what is going well already. That said I bet by January next year I'll be ploughing up some more!

  4. Kev - you have been doing great but please don't overdo it....make sure to get your rest as well. we had a busy summer with the garden and jam working on his ending the summer with getting a new puppy (a husky), we have not been getting any rest at all. so i know how important rest is!

    your friend,

    1. I need to have a good catch up on your blog, I've been so busy I've not read anyones really. Rest is important but not too much as it stops you doing things.

  5. The day is just not long enough. Need to add another six hours to it and I might start to catch up on my to do list.

    1. Yeah, that might do it! I'd Still want more though!

  6. its like a hamster wheel. Just keep running on the wheel. I am not sure I will ever get where I think I am going. It is just constant some times isnt it.

    1. It is but I live for it really! I don;t think I've been bored since I was a child.

  7. I am on the same path right now... working for pay to help make the money for the goals... but then not being able to tend to a lot because of the work... whew its a heck of a
    Cute picture of your girls :O)

  8. I don't have enough time but that is just trying to get everything done here. Back to school time is always slow for me at my call in job so that helps. I may not work for a month sometimes in August.


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