Monday 21 March 2016

Some Of Next Years Firewood

Last weekend I managed to get round to cutting up that massive branch that fell out of one of our giant oak trees last summer. 
 The branch was the size a of a good sized tree, with plenty of wood on it to keep us warm. The smaller stuff will be alight to burn next year and the bigger stuff the year after. 
I didn't bother cutting up the main bit of cord wood though as I haven't got the time to split it and it's easier to move in two big lumps.

I then had a helper pick up all the wood with me.  

Bless her she worked really hard and kept telling me how strong she was. She moved wood for as long as I did and didn't stop until it was done. A little grafter in the making I think! 
Who else has started getting next years firewood (and the year after) already? Feels good to have some heat in the bank! 


  1. We have several large limbs that have come down, I'll have the boys cut them up and put them in our wood pile.

  2. I have downed trees all over my property and no health to work them up. I wish there was a way to get them to you; you'd have a full-time business selling wood! lol

  3. Its a permanent job here, we are constantly stockpiling and rotating wood, I could do with borrowing your little helper :-)

  4. please don't shoot anymore vixens. People may think their death is quick and easy, but the cubs of that fox you killed will be slowly starving to death

  5. we are having trees cut down soon. they said there will be the equivilant of 6 loads. I can see a lot of splittong coming on

  6. I've taken a few unwanted branches off a huge old Bramley, but the wood won't be ready for a while.

  7. A friend had a big tree taken down in their garden and the tree surgeons gave them a cheaper price if we took all the wood away for them. There is enough to see us through next winter if the wood is dry otherwise we are set for the winter after. Mind you, there is very little lawn left...

  8. We have, it's sat in a big pile ready for cutting up.


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