Monday 27 November 2017

The Diary Of A Stuffed Animal....

Well my daughter had to take home a stuffed animal,Google, and then write a diary of what it got up to over the weekend.
Looking through the diary there's some stiff competition.

The frigging thing lives better than i do. Lately it's been to Disneyland Paris and paragliding!

Not sure trimming the sh$t off the tails of some mucky lambs will really cut it...


  1. Sounds like a posh giraffe! Thanks for making me laugh.

  2. I bet it had more fun on the farm than being trailed around a theme park ;-)

    We had to do something very similar with a teddy bear when my younger son was at school, it just came shopping with us, watched tele and went to a car boot sale ... not exactly the high life ... haha.

    1. I think the jury is out on that one!
      Gotta love a carboot sale! You could have sold him!

  3. At least it didn't fall IN the sheep sh$t. ;) Gotta take what you can get sometimes.

    1. He didn't but he had a certain wiff about him!

  4. This made me laugh! I run a Rainbow Guides unit and a Rainbow gets chosen each week to take home Olivia, the Rainbow doll. Most parents look dismayed until we explain they don't have to take photos or write anything, just try to remember to bring her back the following week :-)


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