Friday 20 November 2020

Light Or Dark Meat?

With modern supermarket birds or even some of the hybrids you can breed yourself for meat there isn't always that much difference between the light and dark meat on the bird. 

The same isn't true with our Indian Game birds - look at the difference in colour! 

And both were as tender as anything. Such a shame some meat you buy has the texture of cotton wool rather than real meat. 

A really home produced meal. these aren't our spuds (a friend grew them) and we didn't make the stuffing but everything else we had a hand in. 

 My younger daughter also baked a cheese cake - good old bake off! I get some good food because of that program! 


  1. I am drooling just looking at the pictures!

    1. Haha - it was good. My wife cooked it to perfection!

  2. Absolutely delicious! There is nothing more rewarding than serving up a meal that is sourced from your own land.

    1. I absolutely agree with you - even if it just an omelette with salad. I get such a sense of achievement and satisfaction if we have produced all the components of the meal. We have grown our own chicken several times now and the flavour and texture is just so much better. We had a chicken from the supermarket recently and it was just cottonwool as Kev said. I think we need to grow our own again.

    2. It feels so good! And the kids love the fact. My children have become quite fussy when it comes to chicken. My youngest wouldn't eat some nuggets on holiday as he say it wasn't real meat! Lol.


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