Tuesday 3 November 2020

Lime Wood

Doing a small commission for the local cathedral, need a small amount of light coloured wood that will take a bit of detail and know this lime will be perfect when planned up.

 When I got it months ago the saw mill told be it grew on the cathedral grounds, cut down 20 years ago.

I like that it's come full circle even if it is only going to be a tiny bit used.


  1. Great ecclesiastical recycling Kev.

  2. Lime is wonderful for carving.

  3. How brilliant that your work will be in the Cathedral

  4. Interesting that you remember the history of this piece of wood from "months ago"! Marvelous memory you have.

  5. I've been reading Bernard Cornwell's Saxon series, and in it he mentions limewood. I had no idea what it was! Such a treat to see some, and to see it in use today.

  6. i had never heard of limewood before. i love that you can use it for this project. i posted pics of the new shed i just had made. you should check it out. this guy that built it is really talented like you!

  7. Bringing the natural world inside is possible by using the beauty of wood furniture that is eco-friendly. Manage the wood correctly and you will have a wonderful resource that will live on throughout generations in your family. go here

  8. Never heard of limewood, love that you remembered where it was cut from.


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