Wednesday 14 September 2022

Systainer Sized Router Table

 Lots of videos this week! I made this one a few weeks back alongside an article I was writing for Woodworking crafts magazine. If you want the plans they should be In woodworking Crafts issue 78 (not out yet). 

When I was an apprentice I'd always have a woodworking book or magazine on the go while I ate my break, much to the teasing of the others I'd work with. But I was obsessed. My favourite projects were always the ones where you could build something for your workshop. So it feels really cool to have made and designed this little router table, meeting a set of criteria that was important to me. 

I plan on making an adjustable dust hood for it next that will fit above this and my lathe. Keeping dust out of my lungs has become a huge thing for me since doing more workshop work. 

Anyway, let me know what you think of the video! 

Do you have a router table? Or routers even? I still use the one my parents got me for my 21st birthday pretty much everyday! 

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