Saturday 3 June 2023

Preparing For The Cold When It's Warm!

With the ground being harder we've been moving some firewood around. 

As soon as it gets warm my mind automatically switches to preparing for the winter. Preserving food, getting the wood ready to heat us. 

 This short video talks a bit about that and talks about when I was on building sites collecting my offcuts. 

Let me know what you think!

When do you start prepping for winter?


  1. Living in New England I am always doing little things to prepare for next winter.

    Storm damaged trees and roadside "For free" signs on chain sawed trees finds my trunk filled.

    I've traded snow plowing for firewood. I've traded firewood for eggs and such.

    1. I never see wood for free like that here, they would more often than not rot on the side of the road I think! Not sure people have the tools to deal with it always around here. There seems to be plenty of firewood sold though.

  2. Kev, another thing I have been really bad in thinking about (but trying to get better) is doing things like buying needed things off season. Snow shovels are very available in July, less so in January.

    1. Yeah, buying out of season is a great thing to do if you can remember. I keep toying with the idea of another netted tunnel for the chickens and keep thinking that if I do it I should buy in the tail end of summer when they're not busy!

  3. Massachusetts, USA can have harsh cold winters. We always have some split wood on hand in case of a power outage. Our home heating is an oil burning furnace combined with heat pumps and passive solar gain achieved by building the house facing sun south. The 2 oil tanks are filled during the summer because oil prices are lower. The summer also means prepping and re-staining all the exterior mahogany framed windows and doors. As agreed, many tasks are best done during the summer season. It's a busy time of year.

    1. We always try to buy our oil for heating in the summer, or if we see a big dip in prices, just makes sense, but I suppose you need to have the money on hand to do it. I need to do more maintenance work to the house really. Still have some jobs not finished from the extension!


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