Monday 28 October 2013

Poor Mans Capers - The Verdict

Sometimes you read recipes that try to convince you they can taste like something else and they don't (bottle of wheat wine anyone), and sometimes, just sometimes, they nail it.
These "capers" are just that - they've nailed it. We had them with "Whores" pasta the other night and if you hadn't of told me they weren't real capers I wouldn't have known!
I'll definitely be doing these again next year and planting some extra nasturtiums so we have more to pick from.


  1. great stuff I am hoping to pick some green seeds to try this from the 'Nasties' in my polytunnel.....if it's still there this morning

  2. I have never heard of using the seeds like that. I planted them last year and just used the flowers in salads. I will have to wait until next year to try it.

    1. The flowers are good, always brighten up a salad! This just makes them an extra useful flower

  3. Oooh great! We love capers but they are so expensive so we shall be giving this a try!
    Jane x

    1. This post was on your request so I'm glad you're going to try it!


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