Monday 12 May 2014

My Old Veg Garden - Raised Beds

Here are some pictures of the garden from our first house. The soil was what my dad would call "boys soil" so easy to work and grew everything really well, a light sandy loam. We decided that raised beds would landscape the garden nicely and make it easy to use. Mum drew a design that I liked and I built it in the evenings after work over a few weeks during March and April 2008.
The soon to be veg garden as we bought it in 2007

Clearing the area to build my raised beds

Goofy picture of me building them. I can't believe how much I've aged in 6 years!

First two beds built and planted up!

The finished veg garden. 

The right hand side of the garden had a greenhouse and strawberry beds

Growing during the first year

How it looked when we sold the house and left. below the veg garden was the chicken pen and I had another greenhouse by then as well.
It was a great little veg garden and we produced loads from it, in the summer we hardly had to buy any veg at all. I really liked growing in beds and I think it's one of the reasons that I've divided my current garden up into beds now. It makes it easier to plan and easier to break the weeding up into achievable amounts. 
Anyone else love their first veg garden?


  1. I have been growing vegetables for the last twenty years. I can't understand why any body wouldn't be interested in having an allotment, veg plot or smallholding. Would loved have to see Britain during the 'Dig For Victory' campaign in the second world war.

    1. I'm with you Dave ! Us bloggers would have been in our element. My mother always said that I had " Home front War Mentality"
      Can tell that garden was made by a carpenter with those impressive shaped beds

    2. It's surprising how long I've been gardening for now really. I had my own little veg plot when I lived at mum and dads nut only got seriously into ot it when we brought our first house with the garden above. I think seeing the whole country grow would be interesting although we're a lot more heavily populated now so I doubt we could do it as well.

  2. Looks like a very well-planned and orderly arrangement!

    1. It was. And easy to weed as I know what I'm like with keeping on top of them.

  3. Wow! You made it! What a change you made. It looks good!

    1. It took a bit of work but it looked good in the end. It was also really productive, I was surprised by how much I could grow in that area.

  4. its great to have photos of what you have achived over the years, its so easy to forget, raised beds are great, I have never liked working with one big area, bitesized beds are a lot more managable.

    1. Yeah I'm always getting told off for taking too many photos! But I love to have a log of what I've been doing, like this blog really.
      Breaking it into beds does wonders for how manageable it is.

  5. Beautiful garden and landscape. Good design!

    1. Thank you! It was my mothers design really though.

  6. We turned our first back garden into a veggy plot. Our neighbours were all lawn and flowers people,they kept popping their disapproving faces over the fence to see what we were doing. We'd wait until they could hear us but not see us and start discussing where the goat and pigs were going to go. You could hear the sharp intake of breath..we wound them up for weeks!
    Jane x

    1. I really don't think my neighbours would have been surprised to have seen me turn up with a pig! With the veg garden, two greehouses, soft fruit garden, workshop, two chicken penswith a dozen hens, loads of potted herbs it was starting to look a little bit like the good life!

  7. As it happens I do love my first veg garden, it's the allotment I've just started working on!

    1. Good on you. There be no going back now!

  8. Lovely garden- I think everyone has fond memories of their first vege patch. You were very enlightened starting gardening so young.

    1. I think because my mum has always been so obsessed with gardening it was always going to happen! Hopefully my girls will be too!

  9. Looks wonderful, a fair bit of elbow grease there x

    1. I always like a challenge and a project to work on.

    2. It looks lovely, very neat and well designed.

      My first veggie patch was when my boys were small and must have been no bigger that 8ft x 4ft, it did keep us supplied with salad and potatoes though when we had no money to buy either.


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