Saturday 11 June 2016

Hellens Garden Festival!

So today was the day of my talk! 
I put a lot of effort into preparing it and I'd like to think from the feedback I received that it went quite well! 
In fact the whole day was great.
I did my 40 minutes or so talking about our homestead and how we got to where we are today, a short history of the last four years we've spent here, and I tried to fill it with anecdotes and funny things that had happened, but also how involved the children are in the whole process. 

Not a great picture but my name is one the board! Although they kept calling me Ken instead of Kev! 
Talks in the Georgian stable
The whole day was great fun. We went and sat in the yurt to start with and had children's stories told in the most magical way. We met up with some friends (thanks Kirsty, James and Brian) and my mother (who all came to give me some moral support), then after lunch and my talk we had a brilliant afternoon trying to look round all the stalls.

 We were so impressed with what was on offer (I didn't take many pictures so they won't do it Justice), there were lots and lots of plant stalls, areas selling different produce and hand made and local items.
playing in a willow "nest" 
But what really set this festival apart, for me anyway, was how much there was for children (and adults) to do. The girls got faces painted, played with willow weaved letters of their names, made flags, made juggling balls, danced to the live music, watched black smiths and green woodworkers at work, went to the story tellers yurt and watched their daddy do a talk (and they came up to me right at the right point to make me look like a good daddy!)
Making flags

Two happy girls

Too much for some! 
All in all it was a perfect day, to be honest we don;t really feel like we did it all justice and if we knew that the girls weren't going to be so tired (and they're really tired as I type this) then we'd go back tomorrow and do it all again.

Anyone in Herefordshire (or surround counties) and looking for something to do tomorrow make sure you go to Hellens garden festival. It's for some great causes, with an amazing atmosphere and I 100% recommend it! 
(Also if the weather is bad there is still plenty to do under cover, lots of the childrens things are covered over)


  1. Sounds a wonderful day, love your new header, nice branding.

  2. wonderfull, I love events like this, I am sure your talk went well and made an impact on some :-)

  3. Well done Kev, I expect you'll get more requests to be a speaker now! Sounds like you all had a wonderful day.

  4. The only thing I would change is that I'd have the talks outside under cover so that people wandering by can get involved. And yes you did really well, your talk was great.

  5. Was lovely to see you Kev - sorry I couldn't make your talk but I had to stay at my stall and then go and do my talk :)


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