Tuesday 17 January 2017

Defrost The Freezer

Sometimes the excitement in my life knows no bounds. 
One of the first jobs I did this year was to defrost the freezer that stands in our dinning room. 
As you can see from the picture above it was long overdue, drawers were hard to open, there were things in there that I had no idea what they were, a polar bear had taken residence in the top box - it was time for a sort out!

I took everything out, sorted through it all, chucked away some old stuff, shuffled it round so I knew what we had, stored the good stuff in the other freezer then set about defrosting it, towels at the ready. 

Not sure why I put it off so long, it's so much easier now I can see what everything is and can get stuff out of the back of it. Before it was like my dirty little secret, I'd try to open it so people didn't see in!

Anyone else have a freezer that looked like mine or is it just me that lets things get this bad?


  1. That's good start in 2017 for you :)

    It looks clean and perfect now.

    1. I'd like to say I started as I mean to go on, but I doubt it...

  2. Oh Kev what are you like, I hope you have done an inventory now of what is in there, I dont think my freezer has ever been like that, but you have done a great job

    1. No inventory! That should have been what I did as well! I will be more organised in future! I keep sorting out areas...

  3. I do my freezers every January when it's well below zero--I have three huge freezers, so I need to be able to leave the food outside while the freezer thaws.
    It's quite a job, but what a good feeling it is when that's done for the year!
    (and don't you just love those mystery packages? Hours of fun trying to figure out what it WAS...)

    1. There was a few mystery packages, some I was not brave enough to find out!

  4. I dont have a big freezer, it is on the bottom of my fridge. I dont keep that much in it not now we dont eat meat

    1. I have this one and a chest freezer and I hope to get another chest one soon, like you've said mainly for meat but a lot of veg in the summer as well.

  5. Ours is auto-defrost, but I think it makes freezer-burn come on more quickly.

    1. I've looked at the auto defrost and thought they were a good idea but now I'm not so sure - maybe some more research is needed!

  6. We have an upright frost free now but when we had a chest freezer it was a pain to defrost. I would use a hair dryer and a spatula to get the ice off but it still took ages.

    1. I used a little fan heater with this one and it didn't take long really (considering how much ice was in there) about 5 hours I guess!

  7. We have two that are both always filled to the brim, so empty one one to defrost it is a nightmare. Luckily they both seem to be behaving themselves.

    1. I hope if I get another I'll be able to juggle them around and defrosts will become easier and more frequent!

  8. Oh my! We put it off because it's an annoying job! Winter seems to be the best time to do it.

  9. Mine looks the same. You made me get on with it. :)


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