Thursday 12 January 2017

One Today!

It's hard to believe how fast a year has gone!
I can't believe this little box troll is one year old! It doesn't seem like five minutes since he arrived
 He's just started taking the occasional step between things so I think he'll be walking in the next week or so. 
He's such a character with a wicked sense of humour, he loves to be involved in everything and always has a smile on his face, you never need to do much to make him laugh, but he's also pretty laid back and will entertain himself quiet happily. Perfect baby really, now if he could just wake up an hour later that would be great...

A great little man to spend lots of time with! I'm a very lucky daddy! 


  1. Happy Birthday little fella, laid back like his parents lovely :-)

  2. happy birthday little guy!

    kev - you and your wife are indeed very lucky to have such a gorgeous family! congrats all around!

    sending much love! your friend,

  3. Happy birthday to the little sprog. I reckon you're going to have your hands full.

  4. Happy birthday Alistair! In no time he will be driving a tractor or a digger!!! or at the very least chasing sheep

  5. Happy Birthday to your dear little one. He sounds like a wonderful child--congrats to you both!

  6. Goodness time does go quickly doesn't it - Have the happiest of birthday's together :)

  7. Happy Birthday!
    I can't believe it's been a year already.

  8. Happy Birthday little sunshine. My third child was the same, I think they benefit from having almost four parents, as I know my older two were a Godsend and of course the little one aspires to do all the things the others do. As for the sleeping, my third child is almost 43 and she still does not need much sleep. Oh the mornings spend trying to convince her to go back to bed for just an hour. Love Andie xxx

  9. What a beautiful family you have, happy birthday to Alistair!!

  10. Were you like him as a baby? You have a lovely family.

  11. Oh they are lovely! My first two were just 14 months apart, a busy busy time. Second two came 10 years later, also close in age but having four at home were memories I hope never to lose. Family is everything. (Even though our four kids think we're kinda nuts with our whole homesteading thing.)

  12. You have a lovely family each one of them will grow up fast. My baby is due her 1st baby within the month....


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