Friday 23 March 2018

My Daughters Tooth

My eldest daughter lost her first tooth a few weeks back. Unfortunately it was when I was knocking through the extension so I didn't get to see it happen. On Tuesday she was making a fuss about her other tooth and asked me to help (although a little scared).

I decided to go old school on it and got her to thread a piece of string on to her top front tooth. She was understandably nervous, I made sure she shut the door herself though as I didn't want blaming if it hurt! 

As she shut the front door she stepped forward with it so it didn't work. The string was still slack.

"I've changed my mind dad, I don't want to do it like this"

And with that she walked away from me. 

Still attached to the door. 


Out comes her tooth.

Off she runs. It really shocked her!

She was so pleased to take it into school to show everyone and honestly it was one of the funniest parenting moments I've ever had! 

Do you remember loosing your teeth as a child? Any funny stories?


  1. Not a tooth story, but when my oldest daughter was 4, she picked up a tummy bug, so far in her life she was not a sicky type of girl. We put her to bed, then later she was screaming, we rushed up to find she had been sick all over her bed covers, and was saying 'it came from my mouth' Looking back it was amusing.

    1. They come out with the funniest things. No matter how many times I tell my girls it's "bleeding" they still say "blooding" but I kind of love it!

  2. That's a great story! I remember losing both my front teeth at the same time. They were loose, and my mom was pulling a nightgown off over my head and somehow they got caught and out they came! I sounded so funny when I tried to talk after that that my parents bundled me up and drove to my aunt's house so she could hear me. :) Oh, and double tooth fairy money!

    1. She has both top ones gone now and sounds so funny, I can really hear it! Double money sounds good though! and less fuss I bet!

  3. Replies
    1. She's such a sweetheart it was just so funny when she went to walk away!

  4. do you remember wham bars? I accidentally pulled my top 2 front teeth out on a wham bar watching Fraggle Rock! lmao.

    1. I loved wham bars! Far too bright a yellow to be edible really though! And fraggle rock, this is serious memory lane territory you're going down!


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