Wednesday 13 November 2013

Tree Over The Footpath

Just the other day I said to our neighbouring landowner that there's a dead poplar that looks like it could fall at any time. Normally this wouldn't be such an issue but it was leaning over the public footpath so I thought it was worth mentioning.
Right over the footpath!
Then on Saturday evening I had my first proper walk round my fields in a week & I noticed this tree hanging over the stile. Not good. Not good at all. I never want anyone to get hit by a tree but least of all when it's on my land (even if the tree isn't mine!).
I popper over to see "old" Ken (who helps look after the neighbours land) and we decided to sort it out first thing in the morning.
It was a little more tricky than we would have liked, as it was hung up in the other tree and we didn't want it to land on either the stile or the fence if we could help it.
I managed to get my little John Deere 2020's loader under the main trunk to take the weight whilst Ken cut it from the stump, I then (only just mind you) managed to lift it on top of the hedge. The weight of the tree however meant that I couldn't get the back wheels to grip.
We had to try something else. I got a ladder and a long chain, climbed up and attached it to the trunk, turned the tractor round and pulled her off the hedge at a good enough speed that it would miss the stile as well! It all went to plan in the end!
Ken clearing a path for the footpath
 I decided that I might as well log the wood there and then so logged it all up and we split it 50-50.
Firewood for my efforts
Poplar isn't much good as firewood but it's better than nothing and it's cleared up the path without anyone moaning at us. I was quite pleased with my efforts for a Sunday and felt like I'd been a good neighbour again (although to a different one this time)!


  1. I always thought it "popped" a lot as it burned. Maybe that's why they called it POPlar!

    1. Could be! I'm going to make sure this is really dry before I burn it!

  2. I burn poplar some, it will make a regular fire burn better/hotter if it has a stick of it mixed in. Some of the old large poplar is full of water and will spray out when I split. I suspect that some of the water may somehow be trapped in George's wood to form steam pockets. Or maybe there was some big West Virginia beetles in the wood and they exploded. LOL

    1. I like the idea of exploding beetles! I'll mix it in with the rest of my firewood, It's quite good for building a good base to the fire.

  3. It great when things go to plan. It nice to work well with someone else too.

    1. Yeah working with Ken is always fun. hes much older than me so it's great to learn from someone with experience

  4. Poplar needs a lot of drying - its a very moist wood - but it burns ok :)

    1. Yeah although the tree was already dead I doubt I'll be burning it too soon. Should be OK mixed in with other wood.

  5. Removing trees is such a pain in the butt, but I bet it looks a lot better now with that old thing outta there! And hey, free firewood :)

    Sarah | The Tree Center


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