Monday 10 June 2019

Hellens Garden Festival 2019

We've had another great day at Hellens garden festival. 

It's become an annual trip for our family, we love it and really look forward to it. 
They had some pretty bad weather to contend with though this year, some really heavy down pours, but it didn't dampen our spirits! Luckily there was plenty of places we could shelter from the rain!

During one downpour my wife took the children to the story tent while I went off and watched a talk by Rowan Mconegal about the 20 top herbs you can grow in the garden. Her talk was great and I learnt about some more herbs I want to grow in the garden! 

A real highlight for me was meeting the couple who run The Ferme. A local business that specialises in fermented products, we watched a demo and asked loads of questions! They had loads of samples to try, lots of Sauerkraut and Kimchi to try. We ended up buying some (it's not often I buy preserves rather than making making them!) and I pretty much ate quarter of a jar with my tea!

I really need to make some more ferments I think! 

I was pleased that my talk was well attended in the afternoon. I always have a fear that no one will turn up but the tent was pretty full. I had intended it to be more of a workshop with some scale gardens at the back for people to try to and arrange, but with all the questions and the talk there wasn't time. I had a garden bed set out to show why I garden like I do as well as examples of the pots and root trainers I use for transplanting.

Every year we always say we wish we went for both days and this one is no exception. We feel we missed lots of things and the kids love every bit of it so it would be great to have an extra day to do it justice! Next year!

A great weekend.


  1. Glad you enjoyed it, shareing knowledge is so very important.

    1. I loved it and it's given me the basis for another talk I can add to do for gardening clubs and the like. I'm always amazed by the questions I get asked, hopefully I normally have an answer for them!

  2. you are such a great source of knowledge. there's nothing like asking questions of someone who does it all himself!


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