Sunday 23 February 2020

Tractor World Show

Since writing my monthly article about vintage and older machinery it's given me a real thirst for knowledge in this subject. It's meant that I've gone to things I wouldn't normally, like a local ploughing match or vintage day and now the Tractor World show.

The Tractor World show was great fun. I'm lucky having the show ground just the other side of the hill from where I live, about 4 miles by road but closer as the crow flies.

I think if there was even an award for the show with the people most willing to share their knowledge and just being friendly this is it! It's a show where you feel you can just start a conversation with anyone there for any reason. I just love it! 

The sheds are packed with tractors and displays, there are also lots of stalls selling hard to find parts and manuals as well.

It was brilliant for me, I got a few ideas for some different articles, met some new people and made some new contacts.

A fun day out for anyone who is into tractors and machinery! Next year I'm going to try and go when the auction is on (on the Saturday).

Who else has been to this show or one like it? Is there a specialist show you'd like to go to - keep it PG people ;-)


  1. I know someone from West Cork who went to the tractor show. Have you any tractor restoration plans Kev?

    1. I'd love to do a restoration of either a small tractor or a 4x4 but until I get a garage built it's not going to happen! garage is next on my to do list of big projects!


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