Sunday 26 July 2020

Indian Game

So I've not had very successful hatch rates when it comes to male and females this year. I was hoping to start a flock of indian game to bree from for meat. 

But I am pleased with the size of these cockerels! They look like muscle chickens! When I try to pick them up they're so wide it would be impossible one handed and they feel so strong! 
I have a feeling we will eat a few of these and just keep one or two for breeding and hopefully hatch out a few more before this year is out. 
Currently though my incubator is full of duck eggs and some more silkies to create breeding trios of those birds. Silkies seem very much on the other end of the spectrum but I'm really keen to have a small flock of them as well! 

What flock of chickens would you like to create or have? Would you rather keep dual purpose birds or have them for specific purposes (eggs, meat, broodiness)?


  1. this is an arnold schwarzeneggar bird!

  2. Replies
    1. I have a bout five like this. All boys but they certainly looked pumped!

  3. We always kept Red Shavers for meat and I think we had some for laying as well.

    1. Not heard of red shavers, will go google them now!

  4. If and when we move again, I would like a slightly larger flock than the 2 I have. I quite fancy a Cotswold Legbar. Some Araucana's because they lay pastel coloured eggs as well as having lamb chop side burns! My Columbian blacktail lays every day with out fail so far, but the Buff Barred I have, she is a funny thing she lays every 3 days, white eggs with a little bit speckle on the blunt end. And even though we got them as 15 weekers, she went broody this summer. She was fierce! lol I wont get another of those as I probably wont hatch any myself I am only for the eggs not eating. I am always looking out for Monty Don's Sussex flock on his instagram page. lol

    1. Have you thought about Ixworth chickens? I have read about those in one of my old books, I think they were breed in the war to get dual purpose? I could be wrong.



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