Sunday 8 May 2022

Sowing Carrots After School

 All week he'd been on about sowing some carrots in the garden. So Last Thursday night I prepared a bed with extra compost. We marked out 4 rows and we sowed the seed between us. 

He was so happy to do this! Really makes me happy that he's so keen to grow his own food. 

The salad bed in the greenhouse isn't looking so great though - unless you're a bee! The rocket and muzuna have both bolted and gone to flower. Still plenty of spinach and some hearting lettuce nearly ready to harvest, as well as three little rows of beetroot which should give us a nice early crop. 

Really looking forward to taking these out and getting the melons growing in this green house though. I sowed the seed for two types (A small water melon as one) that will go in this bed in the greenhouse. 

Who else is changing crops over undercover ready for the summer crops?


  1. My cut lettuce leaves taste very nice, the tomato plants are full of flower, I've not sown any other salad items, we are away for 3 days later this week. I am searching for the tiny cucumber plants or seeds, mini munch F1. I might not have much room but I can still grow things.

    1. Sounds liek your tomatoes are ahead of mine, I have a few that look set to flower. I'm going to plant them out in the greenhouse this week I think, risk it! I think I almost used to grow more when I had a smaller garden as I used to think harder about it. That said the children eat so much these days I probably didn't!


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