Saturday 3 December 2022

November Garden Walk About

I'm going to try and do a "walk about" video once a month. I enjoy looking back at the ones I did in 2017 and think it would be a nice record of what we grow each year. 

Obviously it's November (well December now), so not the most exciting garden month, but still a bit going on.

As soon as the Christmas rush is over I can concentrate on some other jobs, like laying some hedging, pruning the apple trees, coppicing the hybrid willow, getting other veg beds ready to plant up. I also have a tree to rip out and replace. 

 But I like how even when you don't think you've done much there is still progress. the polytunnel is going to look really good come early spring I think! 

How much is everyone else managing to do in their garden this time of year?


  1. We will be doing well just to get it strimmed and turned over. We have 'inherited' and abandoned allotment that needs a lot of love.... Mr T

    1. A new growing space is always exciting though! Good luck with it. Once you get it under control I bet it'll be as productive as anything!


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