Friday 9 December 2022

Pickled Beets

 For some reason I can't remember the last time I pickled beets. 

Which is really odd as we probably eat over a jar a week. Whenever we have them with a meal we all eat loads and often have to open a second jar. 

So with plenty of beetroot in the garden I decided to harvest some (about 3 weeks ago) and make some pickled beetroot. I used an American recipe from my canning handbook that came with my pressure canner. 

This involved boiling the beets up to peel them (so so easy to do, don't peel beets if you can help it with a peeler - this way the skins just slip off).  

Then slicing them and boiling them in the pickle mixture for 5 minutes. Then fill the jars with beets and the pickling mixture (with 1/2" head space) and process for 30 minutes in a boiling water bath canner. 

The mixture is simple. 

7lb of beets

4 cups vinegar

1 1/2 tsp salt

2 cups sugar

2 cups water

2 cinnamon sticks

(onions if you want - we didn't)

I did double the mixture and ended up with about 16 jars. 
We left it for three weeks to infuse and it tried them just the other night. We ate a jar easily in one sitting so full approval from everyone! Must make more now!

Who else loves their pickled beets. 


  1. We love it but haven’t done any this year so far. My favourite is a beetroot sandwich!

    1. Beetroot and cheese sandwich takes some beating. No good for taking to work though as the bread goes soggy.

  2. I wish there was a way to pickle beetroot without vinegar!
    Just pulled my last few from the garden - sadly - love them best newly cooked before the vinegar has soaked in

    1. You can pressure can them, that way you just need to open a can and either boil or roast them. But the pressure canning is a fair bit of work before hand.

  3. Yes! One of Hubby's favourites. I roast them and then slice them for sandwiches, in salads, or just as is. Beet greens, a favourite as well.

    1. We love beetroot in all forms. A summer favourite here is beetroot tart.

  4. I use to grow them for my mum and parsnips for my dad. Now they are no longer with us I am not that keen on growing them. Your pickled beets would make great Christmas presents.

    1. They would make a good present - although I need to fill our quota first. that's nice that you used to grow things for your folks, I'm not a cucumber fan and so tend to just grow that for my wife and kids.

  5. I do love pickled beets but my husband says all recipes I've tried are "too sweet." So now on your recommendation I'm eager to give your recipe a try. Thanks for sharing.

    1. This isn't too sweet, I think it works well. Some can be too vinegary but I think the addition of the water and canning them helps.


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