Saturday 13 May 2023

Laid Hedges A Few Months On

Well good news, Al the hedges I laid are still alive! 
And they're growing really well. 

 Have a watch of the video above to see how they're doing. I honestly smile to look at them and although I know we've lost a bit of privacy for a few years I know it'll be so much better in the long run. 

Let me know what you think. 

Would you like to try your hand at hedge laying?



  1. Loved your video, laying hedges were done every year in the village when I was a child, my uncle loved doing it. You have healthy growth which helps the whole eco system on your land.

    1. I really love it. I'm so glad I'm taking the time to get to grips with it.

  2. Your youngest hedge looks GREAT!

    Any chance you can list the species of plants and what you see them adding to the hedge in terms of benefits in comments?

    1. That sounds like a good post. I'll try and put it together.

  3. Looks spectacular! We watched some chaps compete in a hedge laying competition on Jeremy Clarkson's Farm series. Absolutely fascinating! You've got skills!

  4. I watched your video and was impressed at how effective the hedge will be for only the cost of your time and sweat. Definitely planting for the future as humans and wildlife will benefit for a very long time to come. Thumbs up!

    1. Yeah, it's a big load of effort at one point, but then it manages itself for some time afterwards. As it gets bigger it will provide materials as well,

  5. The first post I ever saw/watched on your blog was about hedge laying, something I have never seen done and didn't ask about at the time. But with this video, I got the idea of why you are doing it and think it is quite neat.

    1. It's been done for thousands of years. I love the fact that as they cleared woodlands they would have left the trees at the edges and laid it to form barriers. Some obviously work better than others though.


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