Sunday 21 May 2023

Polytunnel Plant Up

Feels a little late, but also feels good to have the polytunnel planted up for the summer. 

 I'm looking forward to this being a place of absolute abundance in a few months time. 

Do you grow under cover much? 

What are your favourite crops to grow under plastic or glass?


  1. I built a greenhouse and this is our second year of using it so we do have some cover but are for the most part, still figuring things out on how to maximize it's potential. At our farm garden we do have a trellis tunnel that we grow vining things on. I really like the shade it provides in late summer when it is hot out.

    1. Greenhouses are such a game changer, especially for starting the seeds off. I love to sow everything in modules now and direct sow very little, the greenhouse is my favourite place for that.

  2. I like your Mantis cultivator. I use to have one. They are great for making a fine filth. Great video. My new tunnel is like yours.

    1. ..fine tilth. Stupid autocorrect.

    2. In my head I read it as tilth! the little mantis is a good tool. Mum and dad got it for me shortly after moving here. I have a big rotovator but it's just too unmanageable.


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