Saturday 15 June 2024

Going Viral On Instagram - 3.3 Million Views!

 So my short, 7 second clip, on Instagram went a little viral. I mentioned it before when talking about my gooseberry scoops. Since then it's just built momentum. 3.3million views so far and counting...

This has meant that I've sold lots of gooseberry scoops. As many as I could make really, which has been great as often June can be a pretty quiet month as far as sales are concerned. Although I'm not sure how many more I have left in me this week!

Getting that many views hasn't been all roses though. It's certainly brought out the trolls and idiots. I had one person berating me for harvesting all my berries. Saying how I should only take one in four and how greedy I was being. I can assure you that the birds get their fill, but also this isn't a foraged crop, these are bushes I grow myself. They will probably have quite the shock when they see how wheat is harvested. 

I also had a delightful message from someone telling me they were ripping off my design and getting them manufactured in China. Nice of them to tell me I guess. I hope that they invest their "efforts" somewhere else, I doubt there's enough business for two in the gooseberry scoop world! It's pretty niche. 

I make these, and everything else I make, just to make a reasonable hourly wage and create a flexible job that fits around the children. I think if anyone does make and import them then someone is going to be loosing out, probably the people making them unfortunately. 

Check out my scoops for sale on Etsy now 

Ever had anything go viral on the internet?


  1. The one in four comment is hilarious!
    I used to pick more than 100lbs every summer for several years! Your picker would have been handy back then

    1. I think with my 30 bushes I might get to a stage of selling them at some point in the future. I can remember you saying that you and Colin used to do that, did it pay very well? It's hard to find gooseberries anywhere these days.

  2. I am reminded of the saying about meeting people on the internet.

    “The odds are good but the goods are odd!”

    1. That's about right. It takes all sorts I suppose!

  3. Congratulations Kev! That is a fantastic.

    And yes, the great thing about the InterWeb is it is available to everyone. Alas, the less great that it is available to everyone.

    1. Yeah, it has ups and downs. I couldn't work from home without it though as I would never sell my stuff like I do. So I feed the beast and take the bad with the good.

  4. that is really wonderful kev. i am so sorry you got those comments from trolls. it is sad how many mean people there are out there. it's what makes trump popular. he gives mean people the greenlight to act out.

    1. I'm not so worried about myself, but it is amazing what some people will write. I think when people are feeling protected by having a fake name etc they write what they'd never say to someone.

  5. congratulations! I once went viral for a day with a random comment about farming. It was interesting experience. I follow you in a couple places and I always enjoy your interesting ideas and watching your family grow up. You are doing good work. I will look you up on instagram.

    1. I've had a few semi viral things on twitter, but this is the first time it's gone crazy. Gained me lots of followers, which might make it better for sales in the winter and stuff. I see it all as part of the ecosystem that keeps my business going.


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