Sunday 13 October 2013

Apple Day

I didn't go to work yesterday, instead we decided to go to the apple day being held in the village.
Large display of apples
 It made for a nice couple of hours during the afternoon. We walked the mile there and back to try to encourage the baby to make an appearance but still no joy!
There was a nice display of apples, with some local varieties that I hadn't heard of (and now need to add to my collection!).
Interesting varieties
 There was also apple juicing and some Morris dancers who always give an event like this a nice atmosphere.
Apple juicing in action

Walking there and back to try to "encourage" the baby to make an appearance!
We got back home just in time for the heavens to open so we also managed to stay dry!


  1. Just said a prayer for your wife and her unborn child, and yourself and daughter.

  2. It is good for her to get out and walk even though nothing came of it. It won't be too long, have some more fun today!

    1. We're trying everything at the moment so somthing will work as some point!


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