Friday 12 June 2015

Show Me Your Face!

This week Texan posted a rather lovely picture of herself on her blog and I realised she wasn't at all how I imagined her. 
I'm the one on the left. 

This got me thinking, I'd been reading her blog for years and had no idea what she looked like (and now I have a bit of a crush on her to boot). I could of been sat next to her on the bus and not recognise her (although it would be a weird bus as she lives thousands of miles away). 
Many of my readers I consider to be friends, as I hope they do with me, so my challenge to you all is to show me your face! 
Don't worry if you don't want to, I'll still read your blogs, but I thought this could be a bit of fun, encourage your readers to do the same and post the links below - lets see what you look like! Silly selfies are welcome!


  1. I like both of those faces they are lovely and you are pretty much how I thought you would look. Kind

    1. Thank you very much! You haven't seen us when we're stropping! (the little one that is!)

  2. Aw blimey, now you're asking! Well, there's no way I could possibly compete with the lovely Miss Texan, I don't even have any cowboy boots or a full llength mirror so you'll have to make to with me in my birdwatching gear....I don't have a blog, so: One taken in May and the silly selfie taken this morning, whilst my other half wanders off into the background...What a fun idea Kev and nice to think that you regard us all as your friends, I really like having you as a friend too. I look forward to 'seeing' all your other bloggy friends as well, seems like we're all a big family. What a sweet little girl Melissa is.

    1. Brilliant Sue! Thanks for that. It's great to put a face to your name as I look forward to your comments, you've got a great smile!

  3. kev - you look kind of like i thought you would look - very kind eyes and a sweet smile! your little one is so cute (both of your girls are beautiful!). well, i took your dare and you can see our pic here:

    we think of our readers and commenters as friends too!

    your friend,

  4. Very fun seeing everyone post their pictures :O). Kymber's description of you is very accurate :O), Kind eyes and a sweet smile. You also have a bit of a mischievous twinkle in those eyes as well. I am guessing you are quite the charmer to boot. Your little girl is just precious. She looks quite happy all snuggled in for her photo shoot :O).

    1. Glad you didn't mind! Thanks for the kind words, I can be a little mischievous as times but I doubt I'm a charmer, and as for my little one, she's a mischievous charmer all the time!

  5. I should never have gone over to Texan first.. How can a 69 year old weather beaten old bag follow such a stunner?! I'll have to find an out-of-focus pic

    1. It's not a contest! Pull a silly face or give me a wink!

    2. Frugal - i think you would probably put us all to shame! take the dare - it is always nice to get to "see" people!

    3. Agree with you Gill. How does one follow Texan...

    4. Dani, here is Texan's link.

      Her 'follow' button is the very last thing on the right side.

    5. Okay - done :

    6. Thanks Dani! You've got such a great smile!

  6. Nice to "meet" you...I can't tell who looks happier, you or your daughter? I guess I'll have to have an unveiling myself...stay tuned this weekend!

    1. Your picture is great! Another one for the beards! My kind of guy!

  7. You both look rather sweet cuddled up together, here is one of me

    1. Thanks Dawn! We do lots of cuddling when she stays still long enough!

  8. We did a family pic for you Kev in case you forgot how we looked since last week!

    1. Thanks Kirsty! I think I can remember but it's good for everyone else to see who's writing!

  9. OK Kev, if you promise not to have a crush on me too, here goes one from a couple years ago. ;-)

    1. I make no promises! Very seasonal! I'll be a happy chippy if I look like that when I'm older!

  10. Great challenge, i know some people want to be anonymous, but sometimes its nice to see who you're talking too :) i have a pic of me and my cow molly on my blog sidebar so everyone can see me.

    1. It just got me wondering what everyone looks like as I talk to some bloggers more than people I meet in day to day life! And I always love reading your blog even if I don't comment, I think that yours is sometimes wasted as a blog and should be a magazine for the effort you put into each post - written by the pretty Aussie farm girl!

  11. Great challenge, i know some people want to be anonymous, but sometimes its nice to see who you're talking too :) i have a pic of me and my cow molly on my blog sidebar so everyone can see me.

  12. Replies
    1. I'm not forcing anyone! I understand that a lot of people enjoy the animosity that a blog can give you and I respect that.


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