Wednesday 7 June 2017

A Tour Of The Coppice

The garden and the sheep (and the children) take up most of my time around here, but I have got a few other areas growing on quietly in the background. 

The coppice is one of those, it's quiet happy being neglected  but it's looking better every year. I did make some extra plantings this year and I plan to plant even more this next winter/spring - I'll clear an area of grass by leaving plastic on it and then plant it up with self seeding annuals or perennial herbs and bushes. 
Here's a little walk around of what it's looking like at the moment.

Let me know what you think!

What would you plant in there?


  1. hi Kev are you able to view my blog or have I done something wrong?

  2. my PC is acting up I cant see your vlog either?

    1. I can get on your page - but my video should be here. Not sure what;s up with that!

  3. I used to have cherry plums in the hedge at our old house- they made great jam.
    This house has a long hedge of overgrown field maple, and I do have plans to replace some with some hazel when we lay it later this year. We have squirrels too, but at least we might get a few nuts, and like you said, the poles are so useful.

    The barberry you were looking at- that's a berberis, isn't it? Not my favourite plant aesthetically, but I read earlier this year that the orange-flowered varieties have very tasty flowers too, so perhaps I should put a couple in my planned food hedge on the field boundary...

    1. Yes, it's berberis. It's not he most beautiful plant although it does look nice as a small standard. Here's a post I did on them a few years ago:

    2. Thanks Kev, that's great. I want to dry elderberries for a similar use this year (re-reading Alys Fowler and she recommends them), now I just need a friend with a barberry bush!


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