Saturday 3 February 2018

Seed Swap Herefordshire 2018

I've had just the best day!
I've got to talk about trees, vegetables and seeds for the whole day and no one has told me to shut up!
I'm so grateful to be a tiny part of the amazing Seed Swap Herefordshire. It was great fun being behind the tables this year. Such a high level of knowledge in the group, each time we meet up I end up learning more and more about the amazing world of seed saving. I've made some great friends since I joined up to help over the last 12 months and I've loved growing more plants to save for seed.
I was so impressed with what some people had brought with them today. So much effort had gone into growing them and packing seeds up to bring to the swap.
I also picked up some really interesting seeds to grow in the spring.

If there's a seed swap by you make sure you go and get inspired for the next growing season and make sure you save some seeds!


  1. I am so jealous! What was the most interesting thing you saw today if you could only pick one?

    1. I just loved talking to Everyone and getting fired up fprnthe new growing season to be honest!

  2. Can't wait to see your need produce, sounds a fun day.

    1. It was a great day! Really enjoyed myself!

  3. Did the kids get to go with you so they could see their seed stuffing efforts in play?

    1. I was there from 9 until about 3 so it would have been a bit long for them unfortunately. I might take my eldest with me next year but it would be hard to keep an eye on them there's so many people coming and going.


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