Monday 9 July 2018

One On One Time - Dad Daughter - kayaking & Walking

I'm lucky that I spend a lot of time with my children, being a stay at home dad has been one of the best decisions of my life. 

One thing I always enjoy is when I get to spend a bit of one-on-one time with one of them. Finding time to do this can be hard as they're quite a tight little group! 

Just lately, to add to the stupid amount of things I try to fit into my life, I've become a new Beaver Scout leader. I'm only learning at the moment and I've managed to rope in a couple of good friends as well so we're all learning together. It's been great fun so far with loads of activities and it's been brilliant to see my eldest interact with her peers in a way I wouldn't normally.

This weekend our Beaver pack went to a local watersports park to do some different activities on a lake they have there. Here we did kayaking, canoeing and raft building.

I had a great time, let alone the Beavers! It's been years since I've been in a kayak, I used to do it a lot when I was at sixth form, where we had a club where we could learn how, I wasn't too bad when I got in and could paddle round to help them out the reeds!

Seeing my eldest in these situations was great as well. She's not always the bravest and certainly doesn't run into these activities but she'll always build herself up to doing it in the end, she's also great in a team. She did have to sit out one activity but the heat was so much there were quite a few of them starting to flake out in the heat towards the last few activities. Luckily she soon picked back up and was ready for the rafting.

My most memorable part of the day came when we were all swimming in the lake after the raft they'd built had fallen apart. My daughter was holding on to me as we swam around, not wanting to let go as she couldn't reach the bottom (we were wearing life jackets), then all of a sudden she just swims off to her friends and starts bringing bits of the raft back in to the side. Such confidence and she didn't even think about it! I was so proud of her.

We then had the opportunity to jump in off the pier. She hates getting her head under water so I thought there's no way she'd do it. In the end we held hands and jumped in together, but she lead the way! Then she laughed about it with her friends as they all paddled back to the shore.

The water in the lake was amazingly warm, I don't think I've ever swam outside in the UK and not had some form of cold water shock as I've jumped in, but this was as warm as I'd have the shower!

My wife had gone to a friends with the other two children, so when we got back we decided to treat ourselves to fish and chips, then walk up British Camp to eat them. We sat on the man made banks thousands of years old, where I'm sure many before us have eaten their food and enjoyed the views out over Herefordshire and Worcestershire.

It was lovely just to sit there and chat for an hour or so about nothing and everything. On the way down I let her lead the way so we could go off and explore all the other little paths that dot the hill and look at plants to identify. Hopefully she'll remember the plant Ragwort as we talked about it a lot, I'll make sure we find some more of the same to identify this week so that the knowledge has chance to sink in!

Driving home we also stopped at a spring to fill our water bottles. I'm very keen to show my children where drinking water can be collected from locally so it's great to use the springs. The water tastes so good from them as well, hers went straight into the freezer to be her water bottle for school on Monday.

It was a great day and one I'm sure I'll remember for a long time. A perfect day spent with my daughter and hopefully a day where she's learnt lots about herself.


  1. Replies
    1. It was lovely. Hard work at times (lots of little beavers) but really rewarding!

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Well done both of you. Your children are so lucky.

    1. Thank you! I doubt they'll see it like that at times!

  3. Beautiful.
    Beaver Leading Is Hard Work! I know - been there but only for a while. The group we started wasn't wanted by the Group Scout Leader and fizzled out without support.
    Now Cub Scout Leader was much more fun - did that for nearly 20 years

    1. I've joined becasue they were short on leaders - we'll see how it goes. I've loved it so far but it is hard after school and monday is busy - I help run a play group that day as well!

  4. Hi, Kev I would say that it is you being brave volunteering to be a Beaver Leader. Enjoy. How lovely to spend one on one time with your eldest, encourage her and then build her confidence, sometimes with a shyer child that is all it takes. My father used to do similar things with both my brother and I and it helps in all sorts of areas. I never did get the knack of rowing in an inflatable though. Take care. Pattypanx

    1. Yeah, she doesn't take much encouragement and is always so proud when she's done it! I think it's a great opportunity for the children, some great things I didn't get to do when I was that age. I want to do more with them now!

  5. Fantastic post, lucky you to be part of the day, your daughter sounds awesome, but that's down to your parenting skills.

    1. She'd be amazing whatever I did I'm sure. She's such a sensible soul and willing to try anything.

  6. what a wonderful experience with many good memories! way to do it kev!

    1. It was a great day and I hope I'll remember it for a long time!

  7. What a wonderful day spent with your oldest. I actually teared up looking at those last pictures of her . . . and you in the one. I think it was because you're the type of parent giving your children a start in life that will serve them well in countless ways. (I'm sure your dear wife enters into the whole scheme of things, too!) Here in the U.S. it breaks my heart to see so many children being raised in day care (or other non-family oriented activities) by parents who, for one reason or another, don't want to or take the time for their children.

    Don't want to end this comment on a negative note. Yours was a simply lovely post. Thanks for sharing.

    1. My wife is such an amazing part of it all as well. I always feel guilty for leaving her out of posts but she doesn't like to be in them. She had a great day with the younger two. they had ballet in the morning (the boy does it as well) and then spent the day with friends at a BBQ, they all came back tired!
      Day care is a product of the modern world. Mine do go for a few days each week and they absolutely love it, it's lovely to see them with their friends and watch bonds forming. It's not without it's faults though, one we used previously was one of the main reasons I became a stay at home parent! but that's a story for another day. With house costs and many other costs rising it's unfortunate that sometimes both parents have to work full time, we're lucky to have got ourselves into a position where we can get away without this, although it's really tough at times.
      Thanks for your comment!

  8. Delightful! Thanks as always for these nice snapshots into your life. Your next project to take on with your loads of free time: build an organic pool!

    1. HA! have you been talking to my friend Nat? She keeps on for me to build a pool! I'd love one and it wouldn't cost much as we have diggers but I better finish the house first!

  9. What a really sweet time you had together. I doubt our boys will want to hang out with their mom much when they're older (sigh) but I've thought about looking into being a den mom if they interested in scouting.

    1. That's why I force it upon them now! They have to spend time with me - no choice! I was brought up spending loads of time with my parents and have fond memories of helping them.


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