Sunday 20 September 2020

Simple Food Is Best

Really simple dinner of pasta and tomato sauce.
We picked from the garden about 35 fresh tomatoes of different sizes, shapes and colours, a clove of garlic, medium onion and a huge handful of basil along with some bought in chorizo used more as seasoning than anything else.

 Tasted amazing and shows with a few good ingredients it's sometimes all you need.

And of course I had my two chefs with me. My eldest help chop the tomatoes and stir the dish, while my younger daughter made biscuits for pudding. Lovely to spend time in the kitchen like that, laughing and joking. 


  1. I've said it many times, your children are having the best childhood with a great wonderful dad.

  2. I wish you had been my dad!

  3. It is lovely to see you involving them. You are teaching them life skills which is what a lot of people are lacking each day and that gift is precious as you are indirectly teaching them how to garden and grow, harvest, cook and preserve. It is the way I was raised. My grandparents had a six acre smallholding, my uncle was a Dairy Farmer, Dad grew a lot of stuff all through his life and so we always had access to a lot of good food from the trees, chickens, pigs veggies and dairy products via my uncle. I only wish all children were raised the same. Keep up the good work you are doing a really good job and having fun with your kids. That is also lovely to see as you are their friend but not afraid to be "Dad" when the occasion needs it. Tricia

  4. Wonderful to see your wee ones taking part. What a blessed life...

  5. i'm with Dc...everyone should have a dad like you!

  6. Love and an appreciation for that homegrown goodness make excellent seasonings!

  7. And these are the things they will remember all their lives & pass on to their children in time. What a great home school you're running there!!

  8. Great family learning and laughing together, doesn't get much better than that.


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