Friday 19 August 2022

Doomer Optimism

 So a while ago I got asked if I was interested in giving a lecture in homesteading woodwork as part of a homestead economics course. It would be online, need to cover some basics (tools techniques etc) as well as some projects for people to complete. 

I jumped at the chance, I've learnt not to turn opportunities down like this as you never know what will come from them. I also thought it sounded like fun. The lecture is to be 90 minutes long and you can find out more about it here. 

I also got asked if I'd like to go on a podcast to talk about the lecture and about my opinions on things. I've not been on a podcast before so I was surprisingly nervous before it. I certainly fluffed up a few questions (especially when it got the politics one), but hopefully I came out okay! Certainly passionate about what I do. 

I've added the YouTube link above here, but you can find it on some podcast players as well. 

Let me know how you think I did! 
Afterwards I was annoyed at myself for not saying things better, or for getting the wrong end of the stick with the politics one, but when it's live it's tricky and surprisingly hard to keep focused, think I derailed my own answers more than once! 

1 comment:

  1. I'll listen to this later but as the lady presenter couldn't string 3 words together without say 'erm' and 'err' in the introduction I'm sure you were better than her!


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