Tuesday 3 January 2023

Books Read of 2022

 Now I'm a bit of a book worm. So is my wife. Arguably she is worse than I. But we're both happy intertwined together reading a book each late at night. We've been terrible this holiday period, one night we stayed up until one in the morning, neither of us able to put our books down! 

It reminded me of when we went round Europe in an ambulance I had converted into a camper van and how we both read so much. I worry that scrolling on my phone stops me reading as much as I used to, but I still get through quite a few books. 

The other day my wife posted on Instagram all the books she had read in 2022 and I thought it was a really fun thing to do. So I manged to move all the covers into a folder in my phone and post them as well. I'm fairly sure I've missed quite a few from earlier in the year but I've managed to find 45 of the titles I've either read or listened to. 

I've included some of the larger books that I've read with the children, for no other reason than they're just good books! Toffle towers is great fun and the "Little House" series has become a firm favourite with the girls and me. 

In fact looking at these pictures now I can think of a few more books I've forgotten already! I've tried to read some independent authors as well as some popular books. I like to think I have a good mix. I've also read many parts from reference books as well as buying many reference books for specific magazine articles (I bought a whole book on butter moulds for example). 

I'll try to keep a better record this next year of what I've read and listened to so nothing gets missed off. 


  1. I stopped counting at 130 books, I found that keeping count was removing a little of the joy of reading. I don't listen to audio books, but I don't have a TV and a use public transport giving me plenty of time for reading.
    I read several of the books on your list last year too.

    1. The audio books work so well for me. Today I was oiling the parts to make some more baskets, an hour of very boring work, but had a good novella to listen to so the time just flew by! I often post one tweet reviews of all the books I read, although not many are to my main set of followers tastes I fear!

  2. I read 84 books last year, but I don't work anymore, both hubby and I are bookworms, so quiet reading time is everyday for us, I also love to craft, so afternoons are music time as well.

    1. I put a book page on my blog and popped a photo of the book cover, it's hand to look back over to see if I have read a certain book.

    2. Yeah, It was more just for fun as my wife did it. I should post hers as well really. I have got her into audio books the last 12 months, makes her drive to work a bit more interesting I think!

  3. Wow, what a great idea Kev! I have tracked the books I have read for years, but the covers is a very interesting idea. This year's count was 99.

    1. Luckily I had most saved on my phone as I do a one or two tweet "review" after every book I read. I'd like to start reviewing them all really, but not sure I could manage another blog!

    2. I'd like to have known the number I read before children.

    3. yours is a great count - sorry I keep pressing the button before I'm finished!

  4. I keep track of my reading using Storygraph, I love their pretty graphs, but the book covers is fantastic. I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on Adam Savage's book and the Terry Pratchett biography. Could you just occasional add reviews onto this blog, I think it would fit with the vibe of the blog. Last year I read 218 books, but as I'm school librarian most of those were children's and YA chapter books. I don't track picture books, but for this year I'm aiming to review one picture book on Instagram each day.

    1. Oh what's your Instagram? I'll give you a follow.
      I loved Adam savages book, properly up my street. I listened to it, but since then I have bought a copy for my brother and brother-in-law knowing they'd like it as well - So I guess that's a good endorsement.
      The Terry Pratchett one was a series of interviews with him and I found it really profound with his words of wisdom. I'd suggest listening to it though - it's free on the Borrowbox App if you're UK based which is the free library app.
      I've not heard of Story graph so will have to look it up.
      I'm determined to write more this year (and I like to think I wrote a fair bit last year), I want to finish my fiction novel and move on to some other projects I've got in my head.

    2. That is interesting about the Terry Pratchett book, I'll tell my husband as I gave him the book for Christmas, but I suspect he would enjoy the audio version. My Instagram is https://www.instagram.com/jess64au/ Here is the link for storygraph https://www.thestorygraph.com/

  5. Great idea! I'm pretty slow at reading these days though, so I wouldn't have much to show for the year.

  6. Keep a list of the books you have finished for the year, I make it one of near the end of the year posts, and that post is in draft status all year with new entries being added as I finish the books. Number 2 for this year should go on later today.


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