Friday 17 February 2023

Seedswap 2023

This post is a little late, as the seed swap was the weekend before last, but I've been busy (as always)! 

It was a great day again. 

There's something about a seed swap that's hard to describe. Someone said to a member of the team that she found the vent "nourishing" and I think that really sums it up. 

As always there was a great selection of seeds, these pictures are before it started as I forgot to take any while the event was running. 

Some seed savers were great, one had brought hundreds of packets with hand written details on each. We did have a few duds as well as someone brought in some seed dated 2003, be disappointing if you were a new grower and picked that up! 

 We also had a talk from Liz Knight on foraging which was superb. I felt I learnt a lot for my own talks watching her speak, she was very funny and engaging. 

A fun day spent in good company geeking out about vegetables and seeds, it got me so fired up I even stopped on the way home and purchased some compost!

Who else has been to a seed swap this year? 

What was the best thing you've picked up at a seed swap? 


  1. How resourceful of the seed swappers. Talking about seeds I noticed my local discount supermarket is selling organic vegetable seeds.

    1. That's great to hear, although I'm trying to use the supermarket less and less if I can. In Ireland you have brown envelope seeds who are amazing and have some great varieties, I used to buy from them before Brexit stopped a lot of sensible things.


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