Monday 21 November 2022

Young Wood Turner - Only 6 Years Old!

 I've had my youngest on the lathe a few times to make a few different items, but normally I'm holding the tool with his hands under mine. Guiding where he cuts. 

This time I set him up on his beer crate he uses for carving and got him going so he was in full control of the tool. 

I talked him through a few rules before we started. Tool on the tool rest, bevel rubbing before he engaged it. Hand up against the tool rest to work as a gauge. 

I was honestly impressed with how he then did all those things. This hands seemed to instinctively go to the right place. 

I could see him altering the angle slightly as he worked back and forth to see how it altered his cut. 

He only did it for about 10 minutes, I think his muscles gave out, he's only 6 after all and he said it was hurting his hand.

He then stood and watched as I finished turning the handle I had planned to make from the bit of ash we were practicing on. He really liked the skew and how smooth it made the wood, so maybe I'll get him to try that one soon! 

He is so utterly creative and has an attention span that lasts hours at a single task. I have no doubt he's going to be a far better craftsman than me should he choose that path. I just feel very lucky to spend this time with him while he has such a spark for it all. 


  1. Imagine what potential could be unleashed in every 6 year old if someone took the time as you do to share skills.

    1. I'm sure many parents already do, I think it's often channelled into sports, which is something that holds zero interest for me. I'd much rather be in my workshop with him on a rainy afternoon than stuck on the side of a football pitch somewhere.

  2. Fanstastic Kev, he'll grow up to be a real craftsman like yourself. Oh, and thank you for directing me to the Red Onion Chutney, it's made now!

    1. Ah! glad you found it. It's a lovely recipe that one!

  3. What's truly priceless is that long attention span. The Sesame Street generation has been trained to have an attention span of only a few seconds, but your boy will be light years ahead of all of them for his ability to focus, concentrate, and get a thing done.

    1. He spends hours making things. He went inside after this and played with lego for hours then. Him and girls will play games for hours and hours together, it's so lovely to stand back and listen to them play.

  4. Would (Wood) you look at that concentration? His efforts will serve him well.

    1. He was so focused! i think he was a little disappointed he couldn't do it longer, but his hands wouldn't quite take it.

  5. So much to say, sincere compliments to give you and your son, but I'll just be selfish and share what a truly warm and fuzzy feeling this gave me personally reading this post this morning. If there were more parents like you, what hope for the future!

    1. I'm glad it gave you that feeling. I get accused of over sharing sometimes, but I like to put a bit of good out there if I can.

  6. this is so wonderful and much more fun than playing with regular toys.

    1. He plays so much as well. He keeps thinking of toys he can make now as well!

  7. Awesome Kev, well done little man!

  8. +1 with Leigh on the long attentions span. That is a gift!

    Well done indeed.

    1. I put it down to limiting tablet/screen time. It is always surprising when we go out for a meal how the other children are sat in front of screen, ours never are and have to speak to us and learn to be bored sometimes.

  9. Replies
    1. Ah thanks Dave. One day maybe. Who knows the way things are going maybe I'll end up training three carpenters? Who knows what work will be out there in the future for this generation?


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