Friday 16 March 2012

A Hazel Coppice

At the bottom of our garden is an over stood hazel coppice. The only thing it was any good for is the squirrels, and there are far too many of them!
With it blocking light to the new fruit garden I decided it was best to take it down and hopefully I can use the resulting regrowth as bean poles and pea sticks in years to come. There was plenty of wood in it and I've only had a small half hour window every night this week, from when I get home to when it gets dark, to try to take it down without doing damage to anything else.
After (I've still got to take the stump lower to the ground)
Doing things in the evening like this gives me a good sense of achievement and frees up more time on the weekend for bigger jobs. I've just got to log up all the wood (and split the bigger bits) and do something with the pile of brash - I'm thinking chip it and use it as a mulch? I think with all the tidying up jobs done with the chainsaw this winter we might have enough firewood for next year, just got to think about planting things to continue the cycle - any ideas?

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