Friday 1 November 2013

Angry Chicken

Ev's done pretty well out of being a new big sister. Everyone who's come has given her a present as well as the new baby, so she doesn't feel left out.
She's had books, trains and puzzels, but this has to be one of my favorites - This chicken pupet!

 Have you ever seen a puppet look more pissed off! I had to laugh.
Mind you I guess I'd be pretty annoyed if someone kept shoving their hand up my jacksee!
Ev likes it though and I'm sure it will give us many comic moments when I make it an angry bird about the house!


  1. In the running to be Grumpy Cat's rival, I'd say!
    Jane x

  2. Pissed off chickens are OK , just stay away from the mad cows!!!!

    1. I won;t make any jokes about marrying one as that would get me in a world of pain (and would also be untrue!)

  3. Even a fox would keep out of this ones way

    1. Maybe I should keep him out there as a guard chicken?


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