Wednesday 6 November 2013

Rootstocks Ordered

Well last Sunday night I ordered 140 rootstocks for grafting fruit trees this spring.
A couple of last years grafts ready to be planted
This is a bit of an investment but I'm hoping to turn this into a small cottage industry in a few years or at least a hobby that covers it's costs.
I ordered Apple, Pear, Plum and Cherry rootstocks, so now I'll be on the look out for scion wood over winter to grow interesting and heritage varieties of fruit. I also ordered some apricot scion wood so that should test me.
Anyone else planing on doing any grafting this coming spring?


  1. Best of luck. My granddad had a brown thumb when it came to grafting, but HIS grandfather was a great hand at it!

    1. It seems to have gone well this year so I thought I'd have another go at it on a larger scale!

  2. That grafting course sure came in handy :-)

    Good luck with it, I like to see the start of a long term plan.

    1. Well the course was rubbish but I went to a nursery afterwards and they showed me how to do it properly! Big plans for trees over the next few years

  3. No grafting being done here, but think we urgently need to read up on how to prune fruit trees!

    1. Just don't mess around with small branches, cut the middle out of apple trees to let light and air in, your get better fruit and be able to pick it.

  4. 140! Now, that's ambitious. I've never tried grafting, so it would be interesting to see what you do and how you do it.

    1. I've posted on grafting before back in april i think. It's easier to do than people think


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