Thursday 19 March 2015

Protect Small Cider Producers

The European Union is proposing to ban the current tax exemption of small UK cider and perry  producers. This will affect the small hobbyist and farm gate producers who, in my opinion, produce some of the best cider in the country and it might make it uneconomical for them to continue.

Now I'm not sure how well on line petitions work as they seem to have been done to death lately, but I think that this is worth signing. Anything that helps keep small businesses going and keeps us from having to buy from the same big firms has to be a good thing.

Follow the link and add you name if you want to help keep small rural cider producers going. There's also more information there about the changes:


  1. I agree with you Kev, I have signed the petition

  2. I am starting to seriously think that the EEC doesn't want smallholders and farm gate producers. Only the big farmers will or are a living in the country.

  3. Only the big farmers will or are making a living in the country. Sorry!

    1. That's what the government want, a few large farms that are easier to control and their mates own.

  4. Maybe a Grexit will save the small cider producers. I would call that a bonus.

    1. It could do but I'm never sure how it will affect us all.

  5. We must all campaign for what we believe in. Well done for posting about this Kev. Yes, I signed.

    1. Thanks Irene. I'm just generally against more rules and tax but when it comes to cider even more so!

  6. I live over in Texas, but I believe in your cause. Feel the same here about supporting the small business. I would love to sign the petition but saw I had to add a postcode..don't think my signature would count.

  7. I live over in Texas, but I believe in your cause. Feel the same here about supporting the small business. I would love to sign the petition but saw I had to add a postcode..don't think my signature would count.

    1. No I don't think it would but thanks for your sentiment. Small business is far more important than the government thinks, a lot of large firms get away with so much as they're so powerful.

  8. I hope you guys can stop the tax. I tell you... what the governments can't come up with a tax for. Being from USA I doubt my signature would do you any good. I hope the petition helps you guys out.

    1. Thanks Texan! I think that these petitions are done so much now that they've kind of lost there affect.

  9. Have signed, and posted on my Facebook page. Bloody Europe!

    1. Cheers Cro, I thought this might strike a cord with you!

  10. Good luck, Kev. Big business is hard to beat. We haven't had much luck with doing that here in the U.S.

    1. No and neither have we really, the large corporations still avoid tax whilst the little guy is picked on.

  11. Our micro breweries are being pushed out by the big boys. It's disgusting.
    Jane x

    1. The more rules and legislation the worse it is for the small producer.


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