Monday 20 April 2020

New Bits Of Growing Space

Every year I struggle to fit certain plants into my garden and struggle for space but this year seems worse already.

I guess I've gone a bit mad with my planting and I have certainly increased the numbers somewhat with each plant to try to sustain us more.

So far I've managed to keep my growing areas in the veg garden area. They were areas that weren't really cultivated before so it'll be good to get them under control.

The one above is down the side of the polytunnel and I've planned to have mainly roots there, using some fresh compost as the topping in the hope of getting a relatively weed free crop.

There is also the bed for leek seed which isn't a crop that will feed us (although I think you can use them as a kind of spice/garnish). And a wigwam of peas from the HSL called Victorian Purple Podded which I'm keen to see growing.

The one below is planted with some onions sets, peas and a spare bed for more carrots if seed turns up - otherwise I'll soon fill it! Hopefully some seed for some storage carrots for winter use will arrive, but it's not the end of the world if it doesn't, I have other crops that can go in that space!

I have no doubt I'm going to add even more beds yet. I have quite a few of these pallet collars which make great, quick & easy raised beds so I think I'll put some more in yet. This has also helped with another problem which is too much soil and matter in my regular beds, so I've been taking some out as I've added manure to them and moving this good soil into my "new" raised beds.

I'm sure one day I'll be nearly on top of it all! Then I'll probably want to add another huge patch in, or a big patch of grain...


  1. Your beds look good, oh to have vegetable growing space.

    1. Its lovely to have the space and also to create more as I need it for the veggies.

  2. Have you never thought of growing perennials and vegetables? Making it more like a French Potager and to attract the bees and ladybirds? Sunflowers for the kids even?

    1. There will be sunflowers and lots of other edible flowers. I'm not great with perennials though as struggle so much with weeds here!

  3. Its looking good, cant seem to find the pallet collars here.
    Have you decided on the tunnel layout,I am still pondering ours, as it is going up now. It is 35 x 16 ft, on a new area were the soil is good, but mainly under grass. Hope the chickens help with the grubs. So should be easier to find space for things (till next year ,of course)

    1. Yeah, I've gone for a larger bed down the center, two narrow paths then a bed either side by the edge of the tunnel. I've just been planting my tomatoes in there today. Maybe a little early but I hopeful there will be no hard frosts! I'm lucky with the pallet collars, I've had hundreds here for different things.

    2. I'll do a post on it this week!

  4. now that is a dream garden! look at those leeks!!!

  5. Looks like a beautifully sunny spot! Everything should be massively happy!


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