Saturday 18 April 2020

The Garden In April

I've never spent so much time in the garden in April before. 

This was just as a much needed rain storm broke

The lock down coupled with the glorious weather has meant I'm on top of it all for once! Well in the veg garden at least... Everywhere else still looks a mess!

The beds are filling up fast though, even though I've created some new areas to grow stuff (I'll show them in my next post) I'm wondering how I'll fit it all in. 

I've got 5 different lots of peas in the ground, as well as some smaller quantities in buckets in different greenhouses for seed production, but more to go in yet.

I've also got beds of lettuce and beetroots in the grounds as well as cabbage and kohl rabi.

This is a lettuce from the HSL list called Bronze Arrow
 This time of year it can still look a little messy though with temporary covers on everything and nets to keep the birds out! But it sure does look productive!

The Greenhouses are full to bursting. So far the polytunnel is still fairly empty as night time temperatures are still getting close to freezing, so that means my other two are fit to burst. The plants look good and healthy in them though!

The tomatoes have done really well in the root trainers and it's so much easier than having them in individual pots. I'm still not sure on what spacing to place them in the polytunnel though. Thinking about 2ft between plants?

Some tressels I use for work have come in handy as extra greenhouse staging, with a broken bed as the slats!

I've kept an oil fired radiator in there for the cold nights but so far I've only had it on twice, hopefully no more! Not even sure I could move everything into the house even if I needed to!

I'm going to start sowing more of my tender veg now, like French and runner beans and squashes, but will try to hold off for another week or two if I can! Nothing worse than having them too early and not being about to plant them out as it is a frost pocket here.

How is everyone else's garden looking? Who has started with tender plants like beans and sweetcorns?


  1. Looks good. You could get an early potato crop in the polytunnel?

    1. Only another couple of weeks and itll be full of tomatoes. I have got some potatoes in there though.

  2. I am just starting anything that will sprout from all my old seeds. I cant get to any shops and no one is delivering online. I have to make do at present. All going to be a bit hit and miss

    1. Email me. I have a few contacts and might be able to help you out on certain things. Cant find your email address, mine is in the contacts page up above.

    2. I am fine thanks. I think I have pretty much everything. I have been sprouting them all for a few days to see if they are coming alive. Thanks for the offer

  3. Looks great Kev! We (south/southwestern US) are still on the edge of early Spring and a little too cool to plant seeds yet. Hopefully in the next two weeks.

    1. Some seeds it's still to early here, but good job because the greenhouse is rapidly running out of space!

  4. for the first time in years i didn't start seeds because i thought it would be cheaper to just buy stuff at the amish markets i've been going too. what a dumb decision. now i have nothing but a few beans growing and some basil and maybe a cherry tomato. slim pickins this year!

    1. Ah that;s rotten luck! If you were nearer I'd offer you some of mine, but Iv'e been planting as much of everything as I have! I've gone a bit mad planting wise this year!

  5. Your garden looks wonderful...I can just imagine all the delicious food you and your family will be having soon:) You must have been working like there's no tomorrow! Same here - it's the season but so rewarding to be out doing a donkey's work! Been throwing hundreds of dried supermarket packet peas and beans into long trenches on veg garden - sprouted but not sure what sort they are. It will do as we can't go out to buy any particular ones at this present time!!?? stir fried Pea shoots will be on menu soon:) Stay safe and keep healthy to you and your family:)

    1. Are you guys the same with seeds over there? I'd imagine you have some saved ones though as well?
      Hopefully mine will be very productive soon, we're already having bits and bobs out of it.


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